Bottom Fishing - RGE


Active member
Rage Software (RGE)

Volume Spiked today at 600% of avg trade
Nearly 70% large block purchases.
MM to MM trades totalling £236,000

Has fallen a long way from 77p in March to 18p not surprisingly, initially during the first tech fall out then subsequently after reporting a £2.6mln pre-tax loss.

However this company is now in a position to capitalise on a self financed major expansion including six acquisitions increasing development personnel from 80 - 200 resulting in twice the amount of games now being developed.

Fundamentals show that in spite of the heavy loss - Assets increased from £9mln to £31mln - Debt reduced from 420k to 170k.

PlayStation2 game 'Wild Wild Racing' recently launched in the US and imminently in Europe.

Significantly last week entered into a non-exclusive agreement with Tornado (TDO) to trial electronic distribution of interactive software titles into the retail environment.

If you have studied TDO you will know that their aim is to enable consumers to purchase and download software under a distributor - publisher agreement.

Also launched portal.

IMHO sales can only increase thru these additional medium with the prospect of twice as many titles to sell.


Good Luck

As usual Cookie, excellent stuff. RGE added to my watchlist for when things turn.
Cheers, Mark

Launch date for Playstation2 is set for Friday 24th Nov when Electronics Boutique in Oxford Street will be open from 12 midnight and will be featuring 'Wild Wild Racing' developed by Rage.

This is one of 40 titles that will be available for use on the PS2 before Christmas.

It is disappointing however and a major negative that the 165,000 consoles earmarked for the UK have already been sold by pre-order. This surely will delay revenues for all assosiated businesses.

Unless Sony can pull their fingers out there is a danger that they will become rarer than rocking horse shit and it is believed that one such console was sold on launch date in the US by the on-line auction e-bay for nearly £10,000. ( Retail £299 )



Can anyone advise on the merits of the horse racing advisory service Equinex?
I had recalled that in 2006, I gave this piece of advice to a friend, Mike. I told him that he should get some money ( preferably GBP 50,00 - GBP 100,00 ) and get into futures for FTSE or even spreadbetting.

I told him that the FTSE 100 would rise 1,000 over ticks into the now 5,500 mark!
Of course, I normally charge a small fee if I were to invest on his behalf .......
Now, coming to think of it, the rally is losing steam, figures from sectors of banking, construction, property ( including worldwide figures ), retail and also other figures of CPI and inflation/ interest rates suggests that the economy is heading straight downwards.

So, a piece of advice that I would now give to anyone would either dump certain shares or keep 'em ( not for too long ) and get into the short-selling strategy!


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there

Be one with GOD, so that HE may appoint a deliver for your Soul! -HariHaraBramKalki ( S K )