Books for Christmas....Suggestions...!


Experienced member
Ah well it is that time when I will be away in late December/January with few books to read in solitude while family will be on holiday rampage....!

Have bought following for reading:

The Snowball - Warren Buffett - by Alice Schroeder.
The Ascent of Money - By Niall Ferguson

I know that that these two will be heavy read anyway, but then I buy many books and just add it to my Library, with intention to read it one day...!

Any other suggestions please...?

(No Turtle books by the way....Not interested yet...!)
The Road Ahead by Bill Gates

Written in 1995 but pretty much on the ball... Good to reflect on what was said and what has become...


Cityboy by Geraint Anderson
i just read both of those books a few weeks ago, as well as another niall ferguson...v good books.

security analsis or intelligent investor by ben graham are good if your interested in warren buffet.
moneyball by michael lewis is one i'm planning to read in the near future.
and there is an interesting goldman sachs biography out the isn't as sychophantic as the last one. also this book from the bbc series...
i would also recommend freakenomics/superfreakonomics
or maybe a jim roger's book but not gift to my children...that one isn't great.
victor nedierhoffer's
john kay long and short of it - although basic
liar's poker
and if you like the ferguson, he has a good biography of rothschild

hope there were some good ideas in here
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I do intend to read it.....but in next 30 years when I am in care home....!
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I read the very sad news that Paul Samuelson past away recently - may he rest in peace. 🙁

I started my economics reading and learning from his books - all the way from 'O' levels to my final degree.

He has had a good innings and I'm sure he will be remembered for some time to come. If you want a good book on fundamentals and economic theory there is none better imo.
I have heard his name and am sorry to learn that he has passed away.....May his soul rest in peace..!

I will look up his book this weekend in London...

Thanks for the info and link...
Well, a little late but:

Better Stock Trading
Daryl Guppy

It takes a long hard look at money and risk management. An area of trading discipline usually absent from most books.
Not trading related but as it happened I read the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown...

Another v.good book imo.

All about the Washington DC and the founding masonic fathers. All good stuff.

A lot of accurate historic and architectural information coupled with an insight into the Freemasons.

Touches on man and God at the end too. Good read - recommneded. 👍
I did get four Dan Brown books as Christmas present from my kids.....So I look forward to reading these as well....!