Books books books!


A simple thread about books won't hurt anyone 😱

I have read "Come into my trading room - Dr.Alexander Elder" recently, and I really enjoyed it, he taught me a lot about what he call the 3 M's for trading, mind method and money, and really helped my money management planning, but he didn't quite do the trick for me, I still have no clue how to day trade properly, what should I look at, whats ES, how does the market move? and so on.

I've recently was looking for a trading book that covers a certain the practical side of day trading, how to approach it and a lot of information about the market, long time ago a friend told me about a great book he heard about - "Tools and tactics for the master day trader - Oliver Velez" and hailed that book, but after a brief check I found that its a 5 years old book, and I'm not sure whether its still up to date with the current market conditions. if anyone have read it, please tell me if its still up to date?

And in general, what book would you recommend for a swing trader who would like to start on a day trading career?