Book relevant to Stock Trading in UK



Recently i have begun the self-study of Stock Trading and have been trawling the internet and read a few books

I ve realised alot of what i have been learning is to do with the NYSE and NASDAQ , namely Toni Turners 'Beginner's Guide to Day-Trading Online' .

Are there any decent books you could recommend that deal with Stock Trading online based around the UK markets?

I have 'The Naked Trader' but he seems to be trying to sell me stuff in the book and lack the discipline id like to adopt.

Hope this isnt too garbled , Thanks!

US stocks are more suited for day-trading as I) you're not paying 0.5pc stamp duty which forces you into OTC products like CFDs or spread betting 2) volumes and liquidity are higher - you'd be surprised how thin the UK market gets even in the FTSE, and that means tighter bid/ask spreads In the US and 3) lower commissions.

Of course if you are looking at longer term investing or even position trading then it's perfectly viable to do with UK stocks. Hard to recommend something without knowing a bit about the style or methodology you hope to adopt. In the meantime you could a lot worse than browse some of the higher rated threads on here. There are some gems hidden in the manure.
hmm interesting, thank you for enlightening me to these problems. im planning on day and swing trading if that helps?

The NYSE and NASDAQ open at 2.30pm GMT , this is perhaps easier to do than the earlier FTSE time as i can fit Uni in around it.

Is it the common thing for traders in England to trade between 2 30pm and 9 30pm on the NYSE?