BOOK: Fundamental Analysis (by Jack Schwager)


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Overview: Schwager is best known for his two highly popular "market wizard" books, which consist of interviews with successful futures traders and detail their investment philosophies and strategies. His "Complete Guide to the Futures Markets" has been a standard reference on the subject since 1984. Now he provides this comprehensive look at fundamental analysis, the investment technique that takes into account a product's or a company's financial performance and basic condition and looks at the state of related industry segments. Schwager contrasts fundamental with technical analysis, the examination of market indicators, and then explains various analytical approaches to investment. He devotes more than 100 pages to demonstrating regression analysis, a mathematical tool used in fundamental analysis. Finally, he looks at specific markets, such as sugar and soybeans, and shows how to apply the analytical techniques he has described. This is the first of an eventual three-volume set, but it does stand sufficiently on its own. Highly recommended for serious investment collections.