Bond Markets. Realtime charting?

If you want Cash bond data, I think your best bet will be TradeWeb data on a pro platform... pricey.

Don't Prorealtime do all of these futures EOD, so you can just subscribe to the data RT feeds? And if memory serves that even have the option to view forward curves (i.e. the yield curve) which not all platforms do.
If you want Cash bond data, I think your best bet will be TradeWeb data on a pro platform... pricey.

Don't Prorealtime do all of these futures EOD, so you can just subscribe to the data RT feeds? And if memory serves that even have the option to view forward curves (i.e. the yield curve) which not all platforms do.

Only bonds relating to forex is what i need. Tnotes etc. Would prefer fre of course. Pro realtime due futures yes but its eod. Want to see real-time impact on forex flows.