Anyone Here Still Using Them?

Greed Is Good

Reason I ask is that for the last month or so I have not been using them as got my fingers burnt by their online system rejecting prices when the high oil prices were swinging the markets around like tarzan on heat so lost a couple of K's when it accepted the price AFTER the market had moved away from my intended position handing me heavy losses instead of gains and have not bothered with them eversince as it is not the 1st time they have punished a consistent winner is it........

Checked recently & found that the time lag does not seem as bad as before. Is that because everyone else has deserted them or have they finally upgraded their computer systems.

Does anyone know/is still using them and winning consistently?
Greed Is Good said:
Reason I ask is that for the last month or so I have not been using them as got my fingers burnt by their online system rejecting prices when the high oil prices were swinging the markets around like tarzan on heat so lost a couple of K's when it accepted the price AFTER the market had moved away from my intended position handing me heavy losses instead of gains and have not bothered with them eversince as it is not the 1st time they have punished a consistent winner is it........

Checked recently & found that the time lag does not seem as bad as before. Is that because everyone else has deserted them or have they finally upgraded their computer systems.

Does anyone know/is still using them and winning consistently?

Only use them occasionally now on involatile markets (whick kind of defeats the point of binaries!!) for the reasons you give. Use binexx more. What sort of size do you bet GIG?
England765 said:
Only use them occasionally now on involatile markets (whick kind of defeats the point of binaries!!) for the reasons you give. Use binexx more. What sort of size do you bet GIG?
Not much only 100-150 PP (10-15K) 😉 Hence me getting my greedy little fingers burnt when I wanna sell after taking a few points (which as you can imagine X my stake can be a lot of money) and they delay it until I get a price reject which then means I would sometimes lose £££ as it may reverse against me or more usually BB reprice it so that I cannot lock any profits in 🙁 🙁 If the market continues to go in my favour they have no choice and have to give me my profits which I am sure you will agree is a crying shame for BB 😆 😆

England765 please can you give me an indication (PM if you do not wanna post it here) of what volume you do with Binexx and how much average profit you can achieve with them on a daily basis & I may give them a go!


PS: To everyone else considering Binaries with BB if they put you on manual approval (and they will rapidly do so if you win consistently) you have to then battle that as well as the markets so you may as well forget them as a viable trading instrument if you are doing serious money as they will do whatever they can to relieve you of it until you get p*ssed off with them and go elsewhere (which suits them fine as they only want smallfry 10 PP punters anyway). IMO after speaking to a few other ex BB clients the only exception to this seems to be if you are able to consistently & correctly predict market moves.....
I think Clamement works for Tradesports 🙄

As for Binary rejecting you I would drop your size a little and try and go unnoiticed for a little while. Binexx are useless and their prices are in tiny size with huge spreads so keep trying Binarybet
Can anyone tell me of any good websites with detailed information about what Fixed Odds Trading actually

nutter punter said:
I think Clamement works for Tradesports 🙄

As for Binary rejecting you I would drop your size a little and try and go unnoiticed for a little while. Binexx are useless and their prices are in tiny size with huge spreads so keep trying Binarybet
Have but they still reject. In the past did what you suggested & dropped size but every time I had a few winners they rejected me again. Guess my account must be permanently blacklisted!

They are the only viable binaries option I have seen though.
these are Mickey Mouse platforms for retail punters- I certainly wouldn't entertain big trades on a betting site, you will get stiffed for sure- they want thousands of small punters 90% of whom lose-great business mode;l,and costs are the same fopr 10,000 small fry or 10 big players-it's just an internet server with some poor software