Binary Options


Good afternoon everybody,

I hope that you are all well,

I would like to ask 2 questions:

1, Who has experience from Trading Binary Options
2, What is a safe way to be successful trading Binary Options

I look forward to all of your comments and conversations.

Please feel free to also email me [email protected]

Many thanks,

You're the vendor, can't you tell us?

Just in case the vendor badge is an accident...
I would just stay away from binaries fullstop.
Well..if there are people believing that will get rich with binary Options, the links provided by Liquid validity should open their eyes. If this will not be enough, some more here

What You Need to Know About Binary Options

Five Binary Options Warnings - 5 Trading Alerts Before You Bet

Sooo..."The House Edge
A lot of binary options brokers sell themselves to customers on the basis that it is a 50/50 shot whether you win or lose. While on some level this makes sense, that does not translate to a breakeven in your bankroll. Why not? Because you do not win 100% of your investment, and while you do get an out-of-money reward when you lose, it does not make up for the gap. If a broker pays out 75% on trades you win and returns 15% on trades you lose, that results in a gap of 10% in the broker’s favor. That means that if you win half your trades, you are actually losing money. You have to win more than half to break even, and substantially more than half to profit over time."
Precisely a scam!

If you are not a vendor, I suggest that you keep away from Binary Options. Too many redflags all over
Binary could be a "soft" entry into trying to get all those millions of people from playing Bingo into trading.............probably the best Dumbass target as well for them so hopefully they leave Traders alone.....

I've been looking to binary options and decided to myself to stay out from them. Maybe it is only me, but I only 10% of my trades were profitble. On DEMO! Do not trust those guys, sorry.
It's important to have a good strategy when trading. Or else you will lose your investment ( Great Idea Starting out with a demo account)!!

You're just another affiliate spammer, trying to fool people into wasting their money on this options crap whilst all the time collecting a commission on their losses.

From your own blog.....

Affiliate Disclosure: We are compensated for sales that are referred form this site.
Earnings Disclaimer: We here at Binary Option Investors believe that Binary Options can be very lucrative, but with any sort of trading you may lose all or a portion of your investment. Don't invest anything which you cannot afford to lose. When recommending products and websites we cannot guarantee that your experience will be excellent or the same as any examples given. Our website, reviews and guides are meant for imparting knowledge only. Before any investments are made it is up to the investor to evaluate and understand the risk. It is advised to seek professional advice outside this site before trading. It is also advised to understand Binary Options before entering this field of trading. We will not be held accountable or responsible for any losses incurred to you on your investments. 2013 All Rights Reserved
I think the misunderstanding is that having commercial intent means someone is unqualified, or has some nefarious intentions at misleading people and taking their money. Pboyles, are you immoral simply because you want to make money in the markets? The markets are a zero sum game. If you make a profitable trade, someone else has lost on that trade. Does that bother you? I think that unfortunately, most of these places get overrun by people who only want to make a profit and don't want to help others be successful. Whenever you have a free exchange of ideas you also have to be prepared to wade through some garbage to find good advice.


Yes, I have commercial intent.

Glad you are here to help people. For a moment, I thought you were here to spam that link in every thread. My mistake completely, and all the threads will need your help now.
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