Binary Options Trading in Turbulent Times


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It seems you cannot read a newspaper or turn on the TV in the morning without reading about or seeing some form of financial crisis hitting somewhere in the world. It appears that nowhere is immune with even the USA having their credit rating lowered, after being just hours from defaulting on debt repayments.

Some of the market highlights of the last week alone include:

  • USA losing its AAA credit rating
  • Asian stocks on their biggest slide since 2008
  • Nikkei 255 decrease 5.4% in one week
  • USD down to record low levels against Swiss Franc
  • Intervention by Swiss and Japanese Govts to prop up currencies
  • T
alk of credit downgrades in Spain, Italy and France

And those are just some of the highlights…traditional safe havens like Oil in commodities and the Aussie and the New Zealand Dollar in currencies have taken a real hammering recently as investors become more and more nervous in just about everything. A situation made worse by the bad news emanating daily from Europe as austerity plans hit Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. Add this to the credit down rating in America and you’ll find investor confidence is worryingly low all across the board. Even the less volatile currencies like the Swiss Franc, the Aussie (AUD) and the Loonie(CAD), traditionally protected from the speculations on the USD and the EUR, have taken a sharp downturn of late as investors move out of currencies in droves.

With such troubled and volatile times, what does this mean to the Binary Options trader? Well, the smart Binary Options trader should not be too concerned. Now is NOT the time to stay away as with Binary Options it is just as easy profiting from a falling market than a rising one. This is a great time for the Bear Binary Option traders to trade in assets they would not normally trade in as the market’s keep on plummeting and there appears to be no real sign of any type of reversal.

For the Bulls, then look no further than Gold to see some growth. Gold, regarded as the safest of havens continues to rise to record levels again, this time topping $1700 an ounce. Having seen Oil tumble to an 8 month low and falls, in other commodities, albeit not so dramatic, the Bulls are being kept quiet.

Overall, whilst investors hold their breath for the latest news on the global economic downturn, watching their investments fall; Binary Options traders can take advantage of the falling markets just as much as they can in rising markets. Make sure to keep ahead of the game by being aware of impending announcements in the news and if all else fails….. There is always the glitter of gold to catch your eye.