Binary Option Strategy and Third party monitoring

Hello Again everyone 🙂 I'm back. I had to fix my signature because of an infraction(sorry admins). The blog is backup and I have developed and been testing a Binary Option Signaling Service that is surprisingly consistent and giving positive results.
Hello Again everyone 🙂 I'm back. I had to fix my signature because of an infraction(sorry admins). The blog is backup and I have developed and been testing a Binary Option Signaling Service that is surprisingly consistent and giving positive results.

cocoy, maybe you can share with us the strategy that you are using. i'm also trading binary options. you can find strategies in binaryoptionsdaily dot com. very nice site and lots of strategies. 🙂
Hello Again everyone 🙂 I'm back. I had to fix my signature because of an infraction(sorry admins). The blog is backup and I have developed and been testing a Binary Option Signaling Service that is surprisingly consistent and giving positive results.

theres loadsa free stuff on PA on the web, some of the stuff on here i have been using for years in my trading strategy
No Brainer Trades » Price Action & Systematic Forex Trading, Strategy, Guides and DiscussionsNoBrainerTrades: Price Action & Systematic Forex Trading Strategy Blog
~most of it is free.

he goes a bit ott on the trend lines though, i rarely use them.