Bill Paulos - Profit Accellerator?


Hi guys, has anyone purchased Bill's system and tried it out? How well does it work?
I'm reluctant to believe that one system can be the "do it all" system for everyone all the time.
The Poulos Marketing Miracle

Hi guys, has anyone purchased Bill's system and tried it out? How well does it work?
I'm reluctant to believe that one system can be the "do it all" system for everyone all the time.

The Bill Poulos story is a remarkable example of what marketing can do for a system. I have exchanged emails with Bill Poulos' staff. And I have read the .pdf put out by Poulos' and his son explaining his many years of failures, and family stress due to his inability to succeed as a trader.

He says: "Then I found this marvellous, super, infallible ... yada yada ... trading system ... " you know the rest - we have all read the spiel put out by marketing people for average products.

Poulos invites people to tell him why they should win a free copy of his system. But there is only one winner ... and 30,000 email addresses are added to his database in one week. Suddenly you begin to get auto-generated messages from him (I still get them to one of my email addresses) telling you about certain affiliates of his, as well as his latest offering!.

Ken Herbert is in on the scam (Ken Herbert from "Forex ProfitPro") and now he is sending me links to Bill Poulos' site - Ken herbert from Quantum Research has a site "Gomegatraderfx" from which he flogs his own expensive system, but this time he adds a suffix and a generic username and password for you to have a look at Poulos' "new" creation.

There you will find a link to "Forex Income Engine" the latest mutation from Poulos' marketing team, brought to you by the Ken Herbert affiliate "Profits Run".

people have to understand that in the Internet business, there are three ways to make money:

1) marketing
2) marketing
3) marketing

If you are doing only one out of those three things, you will make money. :LOL:

If you are responding to Internet marketing, then you are one of the thousands who are making Poulos and his affiliates wealthy. Do not feel badly about it - you won't be the last to fall for the hype.

The English language is spreading like a virus across the world. Initially this junk mail came from the USA mostly to its citizens (300+ million of them). But the simultaneous growth of the English language AND the Internet is opening up an exponential market for those cluey enough to engage the very best MARKETERS.

The world is getting the US trash at a parabolic rate now, and if they suck in only 0.00004% of the billions who could potentially be exposed to their marketing ploy, then they make vast sums of $$$ without making a single pip personally!

Imagine you have a fantastic eBook, but your website gets only the traffic fed to it from links you place here and there at the bottom of your posts. Your eBook sales are dismal.

But imagine you engage Bill Poulos' marketing team - where do you think sales of your eBook will go now?

Is your eBook any better than it was before your marketing campaign?


Poulos is brilliant - he keeps his word to cut off release of his next system mutation. This builds credibility, and creates even more urgency in his email entourage for the next time he mutates to the next system.

Brilliant concept.
Expert execution.
Patient marketing.
Massive interest.
Massive sales.
Average product.

You asked for an opinion of the product.

I don't know - I have had dealings with Poulos before - this must be his fifth mutation of a system - maybe more.

One thing I do expect from Bill Poulos - he will not be going away any time soon - this marketing concept he uses is an absolute cash cow - far better than actually (shudder) trying (and failing) to trade for a living himself.

Keep asking ... maybe someone fell for it in the past and can give you quite a different story of success that matched the promise. Maybe there are (wealthy-by-now) readers out there who bought his 4 earlier systems?

Maybe Poulos himself could trot out some figures to explain why exactly he feels the need to keep reinventing himself and his products ... "and only for a limited time at this price!"
Ingot - too true in what you say.

The phrase "Profit Accelerator" says it all really, nothing but a crappy marketing slogan designed to hook the naive.
A breath of fresh air from Australia! See ... the Aussies don't just spend all their time pumelling the poor Poms at Lords. Some of them talk sense too.
Good onya mate!

A breath of fresh air from Australia! See ... the Aussies don't just spend all their time pumelling the poor Poms at Lords. Some of them talk sense too.

Scanjet ... your stocks and shares just doubled!

I've had a quick chat with Ricky Ponting, and fair dinkum mate, you're in!
He reckons it would be a sporting thing to let the Poms win a match on their home soil.

It kind of goes against the grain, but well ... I s'pose it would be good for the game!

He didn't tell me WHICH match it would be though ... or which year!


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I have all his systems, and its all hype bull. Nothing you cant learn for free using ma's and macd etc. Its a load of rubbish. Learn by yourself, he did (so he says). Maybe it works for him, or maybe he's just a clever marketier. The latter is my thinking. I've also heard conflicting sob stories of rags to riches that he's supposed to achieved. By the way, google and bittorent are great for finding systems for free !
Thanks all (especially kc2927)

I was going to purchase the Forex Income Engine but may seek an alternative route to my fx riches. I have to admit marketing and good sales pages do contribute to many being fooled, me for one but it's just these type of forums that help the everyday joe.

Bill seems genuine but then again they all do so it's time to STOP believeing the hype and separating the rough from the smooth. In short i'm trying to find a good tipping service for FX so please email me or reply here if you've tried one (or use one) that provides a good strike rate and is a little more consistent then Ledley King on a good month.
Thanks all (especially kc2927)

In short i'm trying to find a good tipping service for FX so please email me or reply here if you've tried one (or use one) that provides a good strike rate and is a little more consistent then Ledley King on a good month.
One of the best:

These are not 100% tipsters ... 100% is for when you get to heaven!

Until then we have Mataf!

The service is free, and they email you when breakouts are imminent.

There is a lot to discover on their site, and if you do a bit of analysis yourself, and then put up the chart of their likely mover, you will gain a better hit rate.

They have a forum, in multi-lingual format, but I don't bother with it, though I am registered.

Hope that helps.

Best wishes

Ivan (who has now fully recovered from Australia's Ashes loss)


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I totally agree- Poulos, and so many Inc Guy Cohen, WIN INVESTING etc etc oh PROTECTEDTRADER by the BHINDIS (CASH4LIFE) - All bunch of SCAMMERS or Comedian (not comedy related)- Absolutely disgusting when I hear or have to talk abt them inc the bloody affiliates... Plz banned them and hang them and new rules need to be implemented- They shud be treated like Saddam Hussein.
You want a good source for Forex systems? OK, but keep this to yourself, we wouldn't want it getting out!!
Go to T2W, look under 'FORUMS' then under 'TRADING STRATEGIES'

This is a $97 value offered to only the first 200 takers or by Sunday 20th December when the page will be taken down forever.
I totally agree- Poulos, and so many Inc Guy Cohen, WIN INVESTING etc etc oh PROTECTEDTRADER by the BHINDIS (CASH4LIFE) - All bunch of SCAMMERS or Comedian (not comedy related)- Absolutely disgusting when I hear or have to talk abt them inc the bloody affiliates... Plz banned them and hang them and new rules need to be implemented- They shud be treated like Saddam Hussein.

hey guys.....this is a great course and it really works - 100% guaranteed !

this was my recent tribute to another great marketeer ....the legendary my Fielder !

Ivan...........hope your staying out of trouble ?
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This is the best Forex site on the planet - you just saved me $2,000 plus a lot of frustration to not have to read something which I probably know already anyway.
stand by planet earth......

with the 500,000 potential job losses now announced re the UK public sector the Global marketeering machines will rebrand and regenerate literally hundreds of the dreaded cr*p systems for the unsuspecting newbies out there (and not so newbies who have a moment of weakness/madness)

there is no holy grail just :-

Remaining loyal to solid/sustainable trading systems and processes that suit you
(they are all out there - they just get overlooked as not fast or profitable or fashionable enough)

Experience, Dedication and Practice

Constant learning, research and evolution of your processes /systems as required

thats it , no smoke and no mirrors and only you can walk your own path, no one will walk it for you and the main and overiding investment/cost should be of your own time and energy.......

now how much mega profit does bills system generate a week...?

I WANT IN MAN !!!! :p

now how much mega profit does bills system generate a week...?

I WANT IN MAN !!!! :p


Good question.

With all the MARKETING THAT GOES on n ON N on N On with Bill PoooLost, ask him the simple question if he trades that himself, or his son at least ( Hey Hello Craig )???

Put all my money there, he doesnt trade it! Simple.
Hi guys, has anyone purchased Bill's system and tried it out? How well does it work?
I'm reluctant to believe that one system can be the "do it all" system for everyone all the time.

Well, I did not tried out this one, but most times they don't work at all.
Ingot understands what this game is about so read his post.

95% of the people selling these systems are internet marketers and are about as far from trading as you can imagine.
Yes, I agree with the OP. I tried one of his systems (Quantum Leap, I believe, not the forex one) - I'm afraid my losses equalled my gains. Even got a call from one of his staff offering me an expensive Forex mentoring program of some sort (if I remember correctly, it was a while back). There are certainly better ways to spend your money.
Well "poulos" in Greek is a slang from the male organ, so you get the point......
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Tried one of his $39 downloadable systems, requested a refund and received promptly. For what it's worth.