Big Brother


Legendary member
For years, my wife and family, , when I express an opinion that they consider to be "over the top" have made humorous remarks about my reading of "too many spy and crime novels". I have tio admit, I always have one on the go but, concerning Snowden's whistleblowing remarks on US intelligence poking into EU affairs, I ask,

"Why am I not surprised?

I've been telling them that for years and there's a lot worse than that happening. To paraphrase Snowden--things can only get worse.

The naivety of people, these days, amazes me.

I'll say something more. We are doing it to them, too, whenever our hackers can get in.

An American belief is "Never give a sucker an even break" So.called friendly relations are an effective a way to take advantage of confidence.
you've been watching too much tv mate 😆

To be truthful, I let my family watch that. They are into Catalan independence and all that stuff. Me? I go back to a good crime novel and bring a bit of novelty into the picture. Today's novelty is tomorrow's reality.
You should look on the bright side - they can help you if you forget your passwords (apparently they have all the details)🙂
Zen the gang over at flash thread were wondering ( because of absence )if you were on a round the world cruise ?
I dont know if this is relevant, but I have always been amused that in the Eighties, re; Reagan, Thatcher, Evil Empire days, we were told that we in the west were defenders of freedom, and those god-damn ruskies wanted to control our actions and thoughts, etc.

The KGB were the baddies snooping on their own folk, and then we learned about the Stasi, and their spies, and informants.

What amuses me is that the electronic snooping is probably orders of magnitude worse, and would be a kgb and stasi wet dream, if they were still around.

Of course, it's ok if we do it, as it's about "national security", the current catch-all excuse.
I dont know if this is relevant, but I have always been amused that in the Eighties, re; Reagan, Thatcher, Evil Empire days, we were told that we in the west were defenders of freedom, and those god-damn ruskies wanted to control our actions and thoughts, etc.

The KGB were the baddies snooping on their own folk, and then we learned about the Stasi, and their spies, and informants.

What amuses me is that the electronic snooping is probably orders of magnitude worse, and would be a kgb and stasi wet dream, if they were still around.

Of course, it's ok if we do it, as it's about "national security", the current catch-all excuse.

Does anyone still think globalisation is a good thing?😆
Does anyone still think globalisation is a good thing?😆

It does seem to have its problems but it is the future, I'm afraid.

Matters can only get worse or better, but will never stay the same.

Goodies, like us, alway learn from the baddies like the KGB and Stasi.
Zen the gang over at flash thread were wondering ( because of absence )if you were on a round the world cruise ?

LOL - not really BP. Just took a break from trading as I found it difficult to do it profitably in current market conditions. It seems like I'm not the only one (not many live calls on Flash's thread).

ATM pa is random (eur/usd). Choppy and difficult to trade unless one uses extreme trading techniques (scalping, sudden changes from trending to tops/bottoms catching etc. - all of it difficult to post and trade at the same time) or CV's no stop secret system.

BTW At least that's my impression - maybe there is an easy way to do it that I'm unaware of