For years, my wife and family, , when I express an opinion that they consider to be "over the top" have made humorous remarks about my reading of "too many spy and crime novels". I have tio admit, I always have one on the go but, concerning Snowden's whistleblowing remarks on US intelligence poking into EU affairs, I ask,
"Why am I not surprised?
I've been telling them that for years and there's a lot worse than that happening. To paraphrase Snowden--things can only get worse.
The naivety of people, these days, amazes me.
I'll say something more. We are doing it to them, too, whenever our hackers can get in.
An American belief is "Never give a sucker an even break" So.called friendly relations are an effective a way to take advantage of confidence.
"Why am I not surprised?
I've been telling them that for years and there's a lot worse than that happening. To paraphrase Snowden--things can only get worse.
The naivety of people, these days, amazes me.
I'll say something more. We are doing it to them, too, whenever our hackers can get in.
An American belief is "Never give a sucker an even break" So.called friendly relations are an effective a way to take advantage of confidence.