Hi all, nice place you have here. Really loads of good info. Thanks to everyone!
I'm just checking this out, conceptually, and am basically confused about how Bid and Ask work in application. I've tried to read through all the basic newbie stuff, and I think I get that the difference between Bid and Ask is essentially the "spread" where the exchange makes their profit. So I think that, say I'm trading the ES after hours, and there's nothing much moving, the Bid is 1369.00 and the Ask is 1369.25 and they're just sitting there. It seems that in the DOM window of my platform (I'm demoing R|Trader Pro) has the Bid price highlighted in orange, in this case 1369.00, which means that if I were to 'buy market' one what, share?, then I would buy it at not at 1369.00, but at the Ask at 1369.25. R|T indicates this by highlighting 1369.25 in blue. Alternatively,If I were to 'sell market', it would highlight 1368.75 in blue.
Ok, now I assumed that this meant that If I were to immediately turn around and flatten my position, I would sell at one tick above 1369.00 if I had gone long, or one tick below if short. Either way if I just entered then flattened without a price change in the market then I would be out the value of one tick, or $12.50 on the ES, plus whatever commissions and per-sides I owe my broker.
However, if I try this it ends up costing me the value of two ticks, or $25. Would someone be so kind as to explain this to me?
I'm just checking this out, conceptually, and am basically confused about how Bid and Ask work in application. I've tried to read through all the basic newbie stuff, and I think I get that the difference between Bid and Ask is essentially the "spread" where the exchange makes their profit. So I think that, say I'm trading the ES after hours, and there's nothing much moving, the Bid is 1369.00 and the Ask is 1369.25 and they're just sitting there. It seems that in the DOM window of my platform (I'm demoing R|Trader Pro) has the Bid price highlighted in orange, in this case 1369.00, which means that if I were to 'buy market' one what, share?, then I would buy it at not at 1369.00, but at the Ask at 1369.25. R|T indicates this by highlighting 1369.25 in blue. Alternatively,If I were to 'sell market', it would highlight 1368.75 in blue.
Ok, now I assumed that this meant that If I were to immediately turn around and flatten my position, I would sell at one tick above 1369.00 if I had gone long, or one tick below if short. Either way if I just entered then flattened without a price change in the market then I would be out the value of one tick, or $12.50 on the ES, plus whatever commissions and per-sides I owe my broker.
However, if I try this it ends up costing me the value of two ticks, or $25. Would someone be so kind as to explain this to me?
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