Betting during times of rapid movement


Junior member
Does anybody have experience with a spread betting company who will fill orders in times of market volatility, I'm thinking in the seconds following a market moving announcement of some kind? The non farm on forex is the most obvious example of it but I mean anytime where a market is moving very rapidly. I don't care if they up the spread by 2 or 3 pips at that time, I just want to get my order filled!

I've tried four myself now with no great results and chatting to others they've not had much luck either. - direct market access with a spread-bet wrapping. You trade the currency future rather than spot, not that that makes a huge difference, unless you're watching spot support/resistance when you need to do a bit of translation. In my experience CMC are the best of the standard s/b bunch in times of fast markets.
Oatcake_eater said:
Well thank you most for your help.

Ironic the person who claims to be too busy has posted the longest reply.

😆 Some people are full of themselves!

Try the Firsr Steps forum.
