Betting Bots on binary providers


Only a recent member so please forgive me if this question has been asked before.

I am wondering if anyone knows of software/bot available to allow automatic trading of the main Binary Bet providers BB,IG, Fins etc, based on a defined set of rules.

I am looking for something that would allow a system to be tested in dry mode ie no real money being placed but using live values from the providers.

After much searching around the internet I guess I already know the answer to this question but thought I would give it shot anyway.

If no specific software is available, does anyone know of resources which would give me a starting point to allow me to write my own software to monitor the content of a freshing web page. (is this legal!?!)

I am an applications developer but have limited exposure to this kind of web based application.
I am pretty sure what you are trying to do is nigh on impossible. No binary betting firm I know of has an API to allow you to auto-trade. And assuming they did - I am sure they would soon put you on manual dealer intervention if you were either very successful, adopted a quick in/out approach or high frequency trading.

The data feeds to the front ends are encrypted so you wouldn't be able to write your own dummy front end to read the tick data either.
I agree, these guys want to manage their book so providing an API doesn't help them achieve that. You can try Betfair but the liquidity is not sufficient for serious trading on the financials.
It is as expected!!!

However I don't believe anything is impossible. There must be ways of reading the screen and converting pixel data back into readable form and then simulating button presses in a similar way to some of the more illegal poker bots.

Unfortunetely I do not have a spare six months to write something like that, so back to the drawing board!!

Thanks for your replys guys
I've seen something that does this but of course you wake up one morning and it's all changed again because something changed on the site. I think it's a lot of hassle really for uncertain reward.
I know of someone who does something with Betfair on horses, taking £200-300 a day. Not much but over a year, quite nice.
No binary betting firm I know of has an API to allow you to auto-trade.

Redmonitor will launch API access. They are also offering a market maker program for the experts who are interested in to scalp the n00bs 😉