BetOnMarkets signal services

Oh, Hello Harry

Well, at least you managed to make them links this time Harry, unlike the BOM Forum.

Of more importance, what Scotch do you drink?

I'm on a real learning trip but I somehow suspect you've been around these traps a while!

Nice meeting you again Harry.

Colin 😉

ScotchHarry said:
Hi folks,

I'm new around here and was wondering if anyone had any experience of the following BetOnMarkets signal providers:

Fixed odds Success


Market Excellence

I don't have much time to trade so if these guys work then that would be ideal for me.

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Death to the wolf is life to the lambs.

henry766 said:
like lambs to the slaughter


I thought I used that phrase when replying to Harry on the BOM Forum. So, I decided to check and shock, horror amazement Harry's contribution is there no more. I wonder if Harry's contribution will meet the same fate here?

Mind you Henry I'm not so worried about Harry's advertisement but the sad loss of our pearls of wisdom!

"Mere verbiage,--it is not worth a carrot! Why Socrates or Plato--where's the odds?-- Once taught a jay to supplicate the Gods, And made a Polly-theist of a Parrot! "

From Verses written on a Window in a Journey to Scotland by Aaron Hill

(Welcome to the Forum Colin. Ah, thanks, nice to be here.)
I am currently using citybeaters for fixed odds forex signals and its quite mixed, pretty much jus in credit after following religiously since the beginning of the year. Just came across bomsignals who are offering a free trial.

I wonder Harry, or anyone else how are you getting on with any provider and have any of you signed up to any of the free trials ?


Seems to me all the Betonmarkets signal providers have all ceased to exit ! I can across today - Anyone tried it before I waste time and monry looking at it - Its a clickbank thing so money can be reclaimed but just dont fancy wasting my time if others can shed some light - Thanks.

Seems has started up free signals again with 100%+ trades instead of the usual 20-30% returns, only 1 months of results up there, can anyone verify any of them?