Best Way to Scan For Volume Spikes?


Junior member
Intra day and before the price has risen less than 10%?

I found this on the web:

Volume spikes are days on which there is unusually high volume activity, measured by comparing daily volume to a 50-day exponential moving average (of volume)

0.5=half the 50 day ema
1.5=1.5 times greater than ema

What time frame for the charts do you use?
How often do you scan i.e. every 5 minutes, every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes?

What has worked best for you?
You may use PVO (percentage volume oscillator) calculated as
PVO = ([Fast VMA] - [Slow VMA]) / [Slow VMA] * 100%

in your case bar period setting for fast volume MA should be = 1 and you should look for PVO values greater than 50%

Also you may use VO (Volume Oscillator) calculated as
Volume Oscillator = [Fast VMA] / [Slow VMA]

The same as above fast Volume MA bar period should be =1 and you should look for VO readings greater than 1.5

VO and PVO are available with most providers of stock charts.

If you are looking for VO and PVO calculate you may find a free one at
just enter your stock symbol and then calculate.

If you are looking for stock filter that would select stocks that had high volume surge (spike) - you may find a free one at