Best Way To Learn Trading


Well-known member

Can anyone recommend a good way to learn trading how you done it? I know you can read books on end and watch you tube videos on end or even purchase a course and get email support but I found its very time consuming and not very interactive. Anyone tried being part of a group of live traders doing it all together?
The best way to learn is to plonk your money down and trade. The market is an extremely good teacher and if you are an extremely good student, you can't fail.
Although reading books etc is time consuming i am afraid it is necessary

Have you considered opening a demo account?
True, I have read alot of books, plenty more left to read...
But its true, the best Lesson in the markets is a loss!!! Markets > Loss= Lesson!!
Just be sure to learn your lesson, and jump back in to learn things NOBODY else can teach you but the Market itself.
i pay expensive coaches and trainers, works great 😛 seriously what's your vendor badge doing when you're asking this?

more seriously: textbooks to learn the basics then just trade and lose for a while (VERY small losses. 10c a pip...) till out figure out how to win

or take some charlie sheen
agree on you to trade really small lot sizes till you get the hang of it. However, I feel interacting with other traders will for some be the line whether they make it or not.
Admittedly, I have read many books more than reading ...

But yes, the best lesson in the markets is a loss! Markets> Tab = Lesson!
The best way to learn is to plonk your money down and trade. The market is an extremely good teacher and if you are an extremely good student, you can't fail.

But, if your just an average student maybe try a free demo account first. Most good online brokers have free Demo accounts.
agree on you to trade really small lot sizes till you get the hang of it. However, I feel interacting with other traders will for some be the line whether they make it or not.

Problem is, you'll never really know who is a good trader and who is pretending, and thus whether the advice is good or not. The only way to tell is by becoming experienced so you know who has made that journey and who is regurgitating from books. But by then you wouldn't need to speak to traders. 😀
