Best Portfolio Software?


At the moment, I am using Yahoo Finance to consolidate my various brokerage accounts in various currencies. However, its clunky to use and its not possible to manually enter exchange rates, making all the foreign positions I hold innaccurate, sometimes by very large margins. I hold UK, US, and various ASIAN (Korea, China/HK/ Japan, India) stocks and a couple of US FUNDS and would like to view all my positions in £ Sterling. Whats the best software or website to use that will support all the different exchanges and funds.

Thanks in advance.
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Hey Protrada,

I was trying to find out more about this product? I posted a question yesterday but it disappeared?

Please others let me know what you think.

pwyson said:
At the moment, I am using Yahoo Finance to consolidate my various brokerage accounts in various currencies. However, its clunky to use and its not possible to manually enter exchange rates, making all the foreign positions I hold innaccurate, sometimes by very large margins. I hold UK, US, and various ASIAN (Korea, China/HK/ Japan, India) stocks and a couple of US FUNDS and would like to view all my positions in £ Sterling. Whats the best software or website to use that will support all the different exchanges and funds.

Thanks in advance.


Personally, I would say that you're better off knocking something up of your own on Microsoft Excel.

Sometimes the simple methods are the best ones (!)

