Best Penny Stocks


Established member
Hey guys this is my 1st post so hello everyone, hope you're all winning, and its good to see lots of UK members. Anyway to explain the topic: Personally i have been quite interested in penny stocks over the last few years, they are risky and volatile but often when selected at the right time they can yield good results in my experience.. whats your opinions at the minute in terms of whats hot?

I'll start: At the start of this week i bought in to (RRR) Red Rock Resources Plc they are a very low SP and currently stand at 12p there has been big movements and on tuesday the SP increased by 25% from 10.8p to 13.8p the SP has come down somewhat but im confident to hold, this firm mines gold and they are rumoured to be announcing good figures soon, don't quote me on this as this is simply info i heard on another forum. Apparently there are 4 or 5 more bits of news to be announced later this month, people in general seem to be positive about whats expected and their have been lots of buys this week, including 1.6mil shares on the 8th, also someone sold a copious amount the day before the 25% rise, i bet whoever it was is not too happy about missing that!

At the latter end of last year i sold RBS shares prematurely to get involved with the Bank Of Ireland before the bailout, to my despair i missed out on a massive increase so i know how this feels, but as they say every cloud has a silver lining, i got a big increase of 32c to 42c within a week with bank of ireland shares around the time of the bailout.

One recent gem i missed out on: (SAR) Sareum Holdings Plc.. to be honest im a little gutted about this, a contact suggested to me that i should buy just under a week ago and i left it as it looked too unpredictable, anyway the SP was 1p and he sold at 2.8p in a week, the lucky swine had 280%, damn i missed that one but then again it could of gone the other way. Im probably going to wait and if the SP falls down to 1.5p i will probably buy in. Oh and a little info about this firm, they are a cancer research company that seem pretty switched on, there is plenty of info about them.

Ok so theres a couple im focusing on, whats your personal opinions on good penny stocks?

Hello Doomberg,

Im from England and iv been looking into the possibility of trading penny shares and have been doing my homework and im about to dip my toe and was wondering if you can recommend some websites to research and trade english penny shares that are traded on the London exchanges as all i can find on the web are stock alert emails and newsletters that seem to steer towards US penny stocks on the US exchanges and was wondering if there is anything for English penny shares.

Kind Regards

Hey John i'd also be interested in hearing a definitive answer to that question but in reality there aren't any 100% reliable stock alert website for uk penny stocks or in fact any stock tbh.. some of these alert sites may boast a good track record so may be ok to pay 'some' attention too but i tend not to use them myself much for various reasons, often they may have hidden agendas (not all but some) and thats the same as any other media, if someone PM's you telling you of some exciting new stock and to buy in immediately, its always best to do your own research thoroughly before you do choose any thing, i have seen someone invest 100k because 'some guy said' and then lose 40% in a few days.

So i guess the only way to find value stock is to keep an eye and an ear open at all times and read read read any stock that comes to your attention, i find is handy to search and have a quick read in to certain stocks, but as a whole i find that if there is lots of positivity over a certain stock, then its worth looking at for sure. Websites like this are great as you can see what everyone else is trading, never use anyone elses trade as verbatim but use it as a reason to study that stock in depth, also if you find something that you think looks great it wont hurt by having a few others in the know look over it to give their opinions, i always ask a few genuine people for their opinions on stocks if i plan to go in big. Good luck with your trading.
Hello Doomberg i completely agree with you regarding stock alert emails, iv received some in the past but have never acted on just them alone as i know there can sometimes be hidden agendas behind them or they are even being promoted and pumped up by the company owners themselves.

I was just wondering if such a thing existed for penny shares that are traded on London exchanges in pennies and pounds instead of cents and dollars aswell and where would be the best place to do some research for small cap stocks on London exchanges such as AIM.


Can't help you with a specialist place on researching penny stocks im afraid mate, im sure other more experienced members will be able to help you with that though
No problem Doomberg i thought it might be a long shot anyway, i just wanted a way to take a look at some penny share companies from the London exchanges with a bit of direction instead of just picking them out of the air at random.

How did you find the companies you stated above and have taken a look at and traded?


John W
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The two above were friends who invest that pointed them out, im happy with my buy in price of RRR but wish i would of got involved with SAR last week....
Apart from getting stock tips from friends, how are you going to find stocks in the future to research and maybe trade?


As i said earlier, reading and researching...

There is no magic way of finding them mate
I do not know how you can make money BUYING penny stocks. Money is always made SHORTING them and also those that are artificially pumped up. Bad fundamentals, fraud companies that are hyped up using the new media. They sell into suckers. Learn to short penny stocks and not buy them.
As i said earlier, reading and researching...

There is no magic way of finding them mate

I know that mate i just wanted to know apart from taken tips from friends, what do you read and research and what makes a company stand out for you - there are thousands out there and just wondered what has to stand out for you and where you look for these companies?


I do not know how you can make money BUYING penny stocks. Money is always made SHORTING them and also those that are artificially pumped up. Bad fundamentals, fraud companies that are hyped up using the new media. They sell into suckers. Learn to short penny stocks and not buy them.

I suppose its horses for courses,there are good penny stocks for buying, i mean look at RBS its not likely anyones going to make any money shorting them any time soon... but i suppose your right with a lot of the comments above if applying this to certain companies
I know that mate i just wanted to know apart from taken tips from friends, what do you read and research and what makes a company stand out for you - there are thousands out there and just wondered what has to stand out for you and where you look for these companies?



The gold mine shares seem if interest in a nut shell because there is supposed to be some good news coming its way, and they are announcing what amount of gold they have been finding, there has been lots of positive news with this share recently and will be for the rest of the month, its very low compared to how its been historically so thought its worth a pun
penny shares are notoriously risky

and you may not find a buyer for them at all to sell to

but fwiw I am having a bit of interest in Physiomics (PYC) a medical start-up that claims to have invented a better way to locate tumours in the body