Best Paid Service System You like


I am looking at several systems and trying to figure out which one will be best. Looking for the ability of multiple live charts streaming with technicals. I've been reading into metastock, vectorvest, marketclub, esignal, eotpro, and a few others. Can the members here please let me know what they like best for all round info, multiple streams, technicals, news, etc. I want to get into one asap but would love some advice. Thanks and glad to be on board. 🙂
I stated with futures after stocks for 10 years...

I am looking at several systems and trying to figure out which one will be best. Looking for the ability of multiple live charts streaming with technicals. I've been reading into metastock, vectorvest, marketclub, esignal, eotpro, and a few others. Can the members here please let me know what they like best for all round info, multiple streams, technicals, news, etc. I want to get into one asap but would love some advice. Thanks and glad to be on board. 🙂

I have used for the last 3 months (2 months in a sim-Infinity and Sierra Charts) and have made a great return (up 88%)-this month, since Sept 30 PureTick Day - Proven Live Trading Calls - Futures Trading - Geoff Lay & Alex LW
I have had a lot of fun, and only started with 8K in the account. Alex, the head trader, calls have been 85-90%. By far the best trading room I have been in. I use his calls, and mine.

Good Trading
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