Best Order Flow Analysis Standalone application or add-on for Ninjatrader 8 x64 or Motivewave Ultimate(for Futures market or Forex market or both)?


Junior member

I'm looking for the Best of the Best and most accurate Order Flow Analysis Standalone application or add-on for Ninjatrader 8 x64 and Motivewave Ultimate?

Is this the best of the best add-on for Order Flow Analysis for Ninjatrader and/or for Motivewave Ultimate?

1- AlgoX Upgrade for NT8 or Motivewave Ultimate

OFA for NinjaTrader 8 or Motivewave Ultimate

Sub-Total: 1,249.00 USD

+ Advanced Profile Add-On for MotiveWave 495 USD

Total: 1,744.00 USD?

2- Jigsaw trading platform (daytrader Institutional 2,299.00 USD)

3- Bookmap trading platform (1,990.00 USD)

If this is not the best of the best accurate Order Flow Analysis, what is the best Order Flow Analysis Standalone application or add-on for Ninjatrader 8 x64 or Motivewave Ultimate(for Futures market or Forex market or both) option on the market that is the most accurate and provides a most accurate analysis, please?

How to be sure that the price includes all the support, update, upgrade for the next 10 years, please?

Note: I have the Motivewave Ultimate, Multicharts 14+ASP and Ninjatrade 8 x64 all, but my preferences are Motivewave Ultimate or Multicharts 14+ASP as I do use these two for algorithmic trading mainly than Ninjatrade 8 x64.


Tnx and best of luck 😇