Best/fastest tablet to trade from

Most of the time I use my laptop indoors, but occasionally I'll trade from work on my breaks (currently on an iphone 6) which is fast enough, but not big enough. I do need a new tablet for browsing anyway, so thought I'd buy one to do both, what should I look for as best suited to trade on occasionally?

I use IG to spread bet currently (am fairly new to it still), so is it a case of fastest one I can get?

So far I'm looking at an iPad Air 2, or the Galaxy Tab S, just unsure of whats better?
Google nexus 9 £199 from PC world. Has a 64 bit nvidia processor with 192 graphics cores. Much faster in rendering a web page than an iPad mini 3 when tested in same shop as apple did not upgrade the processor last year. Price has just been cut from£319.
Most of the time I use my laptop indoors, but occasionally I'll trade from work on my breaks (currently on an iphone 6) which is fast enough, but not big enough. I do need a new tablet for browsing anyway, so thought I'd buy one to do both, what should I look for as best suited to trade on occasionally?

I use IG to spread bet currently (am fairly new to it still), so is it a case of fastest one I can get?

So far I'm looking at an iPad Air 2, or the Galaxy Tab S, just unsure of whats better?
If you trade on a ipod or tablet then you are a ****, *****, dick, whatever word you prefer.
I'll go with iPad, had several bad experience with any samsoeng gadget, in terms of online activity and multi tasking they always crashed.
I heard Ed Miliband was selling a couple of tablets.

I think your connection speed will matter more than the tablet. I use an iPad to connect to a Mac Pro when I am on the go through tunnelblick or viscosity. My tablet isn't really doing any calculations then. Cloud computing has become so cheap that you do not need anything really high end. Pay for time on a supercomputer like the one provided by Amazon.

Rackspace has a good service as well.