If you have any questions regarding the operation of the Federal Financial Markets Service, please contact to Department of International affairs
[email protected]
Telephone: +7-495-935-87-90 (ext. 162) Fax: +7-495-935-87-91
Federal Financial Markets Service:
9 Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, GSP-1, 119991
Telephone: (095) 935-8790 (several lines)
Fax: (495) 935-8791
For issues related to the FFMS activities, media representatives may contact the press service at:
Telephone: (095) 937-2174
Fax: (495) 937-2174
Information for FSFM correspondents
The original version of requåsts sent to the FFMS by fax or email should be sent by mail as well. Letters from legal entities should contain the following information: the full name of the organization, the address of the organization, the registration number of the letter, the title of the head (deputy head) who signed the document, a signature, the date. Letters from individuals should contain the correspondent’s address and signature.