Best Book


Well-known member
Hi All,

I notice its been nearly a week since anyone posted in this particular forum. I guess we are all missing the great Grey1 eh?

Anyhow, a while ago now, Trader333 (Paul) mentioned a book in a post that I have found to be really helpful and very much 'tuned into' aspects of trading discussed here. The book is called "Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom" and is written by Van K Tharp.

I was wondering if anyone has other such good recommendations that members of this forum would benefit from?


Not quite what you meant Steve I know, but there is one 'book' I think everyone should have in order to help their trading and it's free.
It's your own trading log, provided you write it honestly and in sufficient detail. It can be easy to ignore your own mistakes but if you write up all your trades, warts and all, you'll learn a lot imho.
I think it particularly helps those who suffer from the problem of addiction to Random Rewards, but I think it would help anyone who is not consistently profitable to discover what they are doing wrong.

As regards 'proper' books my favourite is "Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas.

"Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom" by Van K Tharp is excellent. It really drives home the importance of expectency and position sizing. It's difficult to pick a best book but it's certainly in the top rank.
Technical Analysis of The Financial Markets.. Murphy

Techniques of Tape Reading... Graifer & Schumacher ( not Michael )

Both up there.
Glenn said:
Not quite what you meant Steve I know, but there is one 'book' I think everyone should have in order to help their trading and it's free.
It's your own trading log, provided you write it honestly and in sufficient detail. It can be easy to ignore your own mistakes but if you write up all your trades, warts and all, you'll learn a lot imho.
I think it particularly helps those who suffer from the problem of addiction to Random Rewards, but I think it would help anyone who is not consistently profitable to discover what they are doing wrong.

As regards 'proper' books my favourite is "Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas.

Hi Glenn.

Wow; you are soooooooooo right about the Mark Douglas book.

Thanks for the lead.

