Bernard Baruch Trading/Investing Style


Long-time lurker, I wanted to get people's opinion on something. Bernard Baruch is widely and for good reason considered to be a legend in the investing/trading business.

A lot of people claim to follow his principles including any book discussing William O' Neill's strategy and some posters here calling him the "Dan Zanger of his time." The thing is, I don't buy it. After reading Grant's book on Baruch and some of "My Own Story," I get the impression he predominantly relied on fundamentals all the while being comfortable with working on different time frames and investing in esoteric stuff (sulfur mines for instance) provided he understood them (the "don't be a jack-of-all investments" rule).

The comparison with Dan Zanger probably comes from the fact that he mostly worked on his own and the relationship with O'Neill and CANSLIM seems rather tenuous. Do any of you who have read either of the books I mentioned know of contemporary investors/traders who are similar to Baruch in terms of style?

Thanks for any suggestions.