Berkshire Hathaway shares heading towards $100,000


Active member

It gives me immense pleasure as a Berkshire Hathaway holder to highlight that Buffett's buffet of companies is closing in on a market valuation per share of close on $100k.

Not bad for what was, in 1967, a run down textile mill which Buffett bought for $16 per share. Shame I wasn't even born in 1967!!!
all looks great for Berkshire Hathaway stock, especialy over the last couple of months as its bought Cadbury's.

Buffet has realised that the rising dollar means better profits from oversea firms. Good article in the paper about that last weekend.

But Berkshire Hathaway has a threat and that is the man himself. I dont mean to be rude or wish this upon anyone, im only stating a fact. If anything happens to buffet its not going to be good for his stock.
look at the graph. we these kind of stocks when it hits the 30day MA and is underbought it will bounce back off (upwards).
"I dont mean to be rude or wish this upon anyone, im only stating a fact. If anything happens to buffet its not going to be good for his stock."

Might present an excellent buying opp in fact for the short-term.
Buffett has some very good money managers below him that (if you read his AR's) you will see they have been doing better than him!!

However I have no doubt that the stock will be hit when he dies.

I've seen his office and there is no more than a dozen people work there. Not bad for a company that accounts for 2.5% of the all the corporate tax in the US.