Beginner's Guide to MT4's EA?


Junior member
Hi Everyone,

Just downloaded and installed MT4 and had a play with it. Quite interested in learning how to program my own EA, but the guides online seem quite complicated for me. Does anyone know a simple guide online to start me off? I've had very little programming experience (just a little VBA and MySQL). Thanks. 😀
Hi Everyone,

Just downloaded and installed MT4 and had a play with it. Quite interested in learning how to program my own EA, but the guides online seem quite complicated for me. Does anyone know a simple guide online to start me off? I've had very little programming experience (just a little VBA and MySQL). Thanks. 😀

Can I just aslk weher you downloaded it from? was it someone like Alpari or someone / where else?

the best way to learn it is to take an already existing free ea and start changing the entry rules, mm routines and so on. there are many templates you can use, and the mql4 forum is full of help and ideas.

it took me few weeks to really understand the programming language, but it´s worth the effort.
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Hi Everyone,

Just downloaded and installed MT4 and had a play with it. Quite interested in learning how to program my own EA, but the guides online seem quite complicated for me. Does anyone know a simple guide online to start me off? I've had very little programming experience (just a little VBA and MySQL). Thanks. 😀

hi sushiparlour,
You can try Expert Advisor Builder for MetaTrader 4 it's a free on line EA bulider I use it to fix a EA and enter the MT4 Championship in 2007 AND 2008.
wow. very helpful EA builder. but yea I've learn the basics of MetaQuote, took a lot of time and trial and error though very satisfying to see your own EA up and running.
yes I was so impress with the results two years ago, I add a other indicators to filter the best signal , plus I've hire
a pro programmer to program my Idea ......smiling with what he have accomplished....think
I'll add it to the championship this year as a test run ..the indicators for the EA, that I plan on selling
some time in December , the EA builder sure will give you a different perspective on things. as I am here trying to perfected my system into automation.
Basic free EA builder

You can try this basic free EA builder. I guess its a start and its still free.

Expert Advisors Builder | Build your EA in Few clicks | Fastbrokersfx |

Hi Everyone,

Just downloaded and installed MT4 and had a play with it. Quite interested in learning how to program my own EA, but the guides online seem quite complicated for me. Does anyone know a simple guide online to start me off? I've had very little programming experience (just a little VBA and MySQL). Thanks. 😀

I've got a quick question related to the EA's im a fairly newbie (been trading for 3 months) after looking at the results of the MT4 EA championship and the obvious advantages a computer program has in following indicators how comes everyone that uses them aren't very well off and more and more people arent using or aware of them as ways to make alot of money very quickly.

It seems to good to be true.

I've got a quick question related to the EA's im a fairly newbie (been trading for 3 months) after looking at the results of the MT4 EA championship and the obvious advantages a computer program has in following indicators how comes everyone that uses them aren't very well off and more and more people arent using or aware of them as ways to make alot of money very quickly.

It seems to good to be true.

Well you do have to keep in mind that the results of MT4 EA doesn't always full reflect their real world payouts. For example some of the contestants are sure to tweak their EA's performance to be more aggressive since you're not actually risking any money and also that market conditions could have just favoured the winning EAs at that moment in time.

I'm sure some of them may be making good money just not as much as that in the championship results.
Thanks Sushi!I guess 1 would have to be run for around 6 months in live market conditions for its profitability to be proven. Does anyone know of any that have been proven to be successsfull over a period of time? Any idea would be massively appreciated. (hopefully i wont get to heavily spammed)
DO EA's really work? Honestly, I have bought about 6 of them and not one have performed as advertised. Even the one's that claim to be the best (fapturbo, ivybot, megadroid, usdbot, etc., etc., etc.,)

Would love to know if anyone is ACTUALLY making money with these..
