Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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I am expecting a host of v---s (Trader333 and McQueen may attempt to decipher this word - good luck - in any event it is not a banning type word) ...................................................... to come forth as a result of your paving the way - not because its an ego trip but because I need to get fired up some more. I am at my best in production when there is challenge. all of this promotes getting better which is my primary goal. that others benefit in the process is a beautiful thing for me because I am of the opposite belief that in a forum you should not share and you should hide stuff. The only thing I do not share is super proprietary info simply because I want to leave it for the girls in my life you have taken care of me - I owe them bigtime and will not let them down. I provide for their families every single month, year in and year out. Its money well spent.

Expected to arrive not necessarily in the order shown are the following:

Violet (counter-violent)
Rufus_Leakey aka Des, the bounce at ET who hs orders to kill me on sight, has failed miserably thus far.
Nowler - my first love, tried to help him not to cut off his own balls as he was threatening to do here but got banned for it twice
Pat494 (this will be a tough one as he is loaded to the hilt with hate and prejudice)
new_trader (this girl loves Fibo but is pissed and is not talking to me now)
trendie's Mummy (she has the right to make a profit too and has my utmost respect)

How hard is it for a T2W old lion aka oldtimer aka apartment-renter-T2W to put on a trade with a specific date/time stamp of the forum? See for yourself thru' just one of this gang's trying but can't pull it off. Its just soooooo much easier to just generalize a trade entry from hindsight = low low low internal stress and dig this, the most important factor "saving face"

apparently they think that there is so much disgrace that comes with a failed trade, so much shame and regret with losing money. hahahahahahaha, I got News for them that might help. Trading will bring you to your knees and take away your false honor and prestige and get you down to rock bottom in Reprobate-Land - then you dig dig dig deep and discover your mettle - and rise. A new sense of honor develops.

Alert! Some serious stuff is going on with Deutsche Bank. Its still in the rumor stage. Combined with some stuff that went down with Bank of America recently ................ plus see my posts on Metro Bank and Deutsche Bank right there in this thread.
You already have seen my chart of the euro stoxx 50 and stoxx600 and Euro Banks = bear market that just goes on and on like the energizer.

You were warned by chart title and other stuff in the thread, loads of detail about unemployment hitting 40% etc.

Hey, I called a BEAR of epic proportions one that dwarfs the Great Depression.

Right or wrong that is my CALL 100%, no changes.

Fasten seatbelts hide and watch

Read quote first ...............

Contact the moderators and get a list of all traders who have been banned. Then choose from this list. THE PREMISE?: The Physical Universe rarely rewards the miss-goody-2-shoes types that plague forums.

Easy to implement.

yep ive been banned a few times at T2win ......because i stood up for what (or who) i believed in at the time ....right or wrong trading you have to put it out there at times......

got banned for life at babypips ...but still not sure in truth why ....I was challenging a few traders there on some rediclulous naive teachings on forex scalping and pairs correlation from some obviously untutored traders on that particular subject ....but thats another story ! - Ha

Alert! Some serious stuff is going on with Deutsche Bank. Its still in the rumor stage. Combined with some stuff that went down with Bank of America recently ................ plus see my posts on Metro Bank and Deutsche Bank right there in this thread.
You already have seen my chart of the euro stoxx 50 and stoxx600 and Euro Banks = bear market that just goes on and on like the energizer.

must get back into trading stocks and shares where drama is high....its great for making quick bucks still for me until i can get more time to trade other stuff
interesting times on XAUUSD and its related nemesis the usd index

heres the monthly .....ive got my 20ma goldmeter and a basic USD index below it

we can see the low and grinding rise of the green usd index .....trying to drag XAUUSD down since 2012

however Raw Gold index (see middle chart in violet) is having none of things and is strong in itself and generally overriding the strong USD negative drag since DEC 2014 with strong pushes above its 20ma (above zero)

my challenge is how long can Raw Gold index stay bullish ? ....and equally will USD index stay bullish ?

crack those conundrums and you're home and dry ....



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    gold pricing.JPG
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must get back into trading stocks and shares where drama is high....its great for making quick bucks still for me until i can get more time to trade other stuff

Yeah, high drama super negative collective thinking against DB but alas I saw a lower low target so abandoned the notion of going LONG. Its now only a matter of interest in whether Deutsche Bank brings the whole world down
found some old posts from 2015 when stuff went a little crazy here at T2win .....and the closest i ever got to sharing performance in the subsequent Threads ...just tasters to what is possible scalping

looking forward to it all warming up now again and seeing traders delivering some serious profits ......

Fibo has completely different style to me but anyone batting 37/37 is the real deal .......

must get back into trading stocks and shares where drama is high....its great for making quick bucks still for me until i can get more time to trade other stuff

For the ultimate high drama STOCK look here & get the very best example of what its like to go with the HERD

Nobody has yet noticed:
unanimous SHORT by the 30 core members of T2W ..... i.e. nobody to take the other side of the trade
agreement is rock solid that the SHORT is a certainty and profits will be stellar = guaranteed
That only one trader has taken the other side of the trade and gone LONG. That trader be FIBO. All his posts were deleted.

Name of the stock? GOD ................ listed on the EXchange far higher than the LSE and/or NYSE. 30++++ short and only Fibo LONG. Fibo's posts get deleted now its totally one-sided.

Violations of Nature's Law abound at T2W. And dig this. Such are protected.

found some old posts from 2015 when stuff went a little crazy here at T2win .....and the closest i ever got to sharing performance in the subsequent Threads ...just tasters to what is possible scalping

looking forward to it all warming up now again and seeing traders delivering some serious profits ......

Fibo has completely different style to me but anyone batting 37/37 is the real deal .......


Thanks for the link. Its a long thread so it will take some time for me to read it but right off the bat I can tell you its outstanding thus far, especially your post to the guy linked above. John Murphy, author of TA specializes on correlation at If the 2 of you combined forces we might have world Peace. 🙂
Fibo has completely different style to me but anyone batting 37/37 is the real deal .......


Thanks for the mention. And thanks for the reminder about your correlation thread. Will devour it rapidly as its right up my alley. Nice work! Like you said, Scalping, Trend riding, bottomline is they all lead to Rome.

Here's the icing on the FIBO cake, cheesecake NY style:

the 37 / 37 winning trades are during my short turbulent stay at T2W which included 3 bans. Its a good statistic but it pales in comparison to the whole time track of my TRADING - my 10-yr trading record shows everything, not a thing missed, every goddamn thing is in there. That's why I wanted to meet with the 30 T2W bums to share records, I would be watching their faces and ROFLMAO-ing for hours. It would make my decade. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

And dig this, in true Wave fashion, later in the 10-yr period I counted and numbered the waves for this 10-yr period. And realized this: I had to start the wave count from much earlier for it to make absolute sense. You see, there was no Wave 1 present in the chart if I only looked at the 10-yr TRADING record. The entire TRADING period is a part of a 3rd wave that is still ongoing and from the measurement perspective will not end for at least another 20 years. Wave 3 is subdivided into 5 internal waves and each of these follows the Laws of wavelength like sheer poetry. These are loooooooon-term waves that encompass a lifetime.

So where was Wave 1? My youth.
A trader should love his work and his accomplishments and be ready to show them off. I am such a trader. I toiled and put in the work and made a fckin good living. Pride? You don't got a clue. Show off? Yeah baby. When a company such as Microsoft honors Fibo with a direct hit, Fibo gots to tell and show. That hit feeds the savings of soooo many people for sooooo many years its staggering. Fibo just gives and gives and does so willingly.

At age 8 Fibo was given allowances by Ma and Pa not for regular jobs at home but for going beyond the call of creativity and foresight and benefit to others. Ma and Pa would put $300 in my account every month, not because i did the dishes, cooked, cleaned, did the gardening, dispensed with the liability of gardeners and butlers, but becasue when they came home tired from work, I had dinner ready and served them both and then later when they watched TV I massaged their feet and carried both to bed as they dozed off. In the morning their wink and smile at each other was more than payment for me. I did not require the money although it felt good to have it. When they kissed each other before going off to work, Fibo knew he'd done a good job.

When Pa realized he had a daring speculative analytical risk taker for a son, a very daring one, he asked me once which hossy would I bet on at the races. I told him. He put a big sum on it and won.

You don't know sh*t, Mala

NVP, See quoted text
Earning money as a youth - all this was explained to malaguti in an argument we had a while back. He is not talking to me no more despite telling me twice he loves me 😗😗😗😗😗

The bible says, "honor your Father and Mother" .............. I din't know it at the time, but now in hindsight it is abundantly clear that that Commandment I had a perfect score of 100%. Fck Trading. It pales in comparison to my pride in taking care of Ma and Pa.
Even on the Universal FEAR gauge, Fibo buggers Goldman Sachs with ease. Ssome bs research they sent out to million dollar clients was so bad it stunk to high heaven.

Fibo buggered 'em real good with this simplicity - now remember this is the MIND we are talking about aka SENTIMENT and Fibo can chart it and use it as timing

See Vix daily - see middle of the chart for the dates in white, Dec 1, 2017, Jan 16, 2018 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Can Goldman Sachs do stuff like this? Fck No.

Vix gave me the US stock market top January 16, 2018 but I waited for the bounce off the 200-ema on Jan 26, 2018 to call the stock market TOP

That call was therefore the call of this thread, worldwide Top Jan 26, 2018.

(Some errors now but what a beautiful exit for the entire runup from year 2009, gobbling up the juicy entire 9 year bull run)

Yeah baby, nobody messes with Fibo, the lone ranger.

Yeah and Holy mother of God, just have a look at the trendline under Vix that starts from its all time historical low of 8.56 in Nov 2017. then look right below that for the dashed line of my FIBO target level - missed it by a mere third of a centimeter. How f**** cool is that? The entire collective mind of all the participants worldwide in the NYSE nailed with one FIBO. Trendline shown has 4 contact points and rallies got halted at Fibo's 100% line - got reversed like a friggin nuclear bomb.

Goldman Sachs can kiss my ass. 🙂 🙂 🙂 😗

NVP, See quoted text
Earning money as a youth - all this was explained to malaguti in an argument we had a while back. He is not talking to me no more despite telling me twice he loves me 😗😗😗😗😗

The bible says, "honor your Father and Mother" .............. I din't know it at the time, but now in hindsight it is abundantly clear that that Commandment I had a perfect score of 100%. Fck Trading. It pales in comparison to my pride in taking care of Ma and Pa.

yep agree with the youth trip and sentiments .....I was fascinated from the moment i was sat in my grandfathers betting shop at age 7 (mid 1960s) ...all the phones ringing and the blackboards with betting prices written on them ...lots of people coming in and out with cash in envelopes....and endless noise and activity ....still close my eyes and remember the scene if it was yesterday .....they couldnt stop me from getting involved and by 13 I was a seasoned professional - betting serious money using one of my dads own personal accounts (he was a bookmaker and professional gambler like my grandad).....i graduated into trading eventually but my "miss-spent" gambling youth kept me pretty flush through my teens and taught me plenty about money management, Risk , markets and how to read people also taught me the power of data, numbers and statistics and how to be ahead of the market .......happy days

we are much more conditioned in our youth to future career paths than we think complaints from me except perhaps not becoming a professional trader in my early 20's - instead deciding to qualify as accountant first (as promised to my mother who didnt want her son ending up as yet another bookmaker in the family)

got back there in the end though ...better late than never

yep agree with the youth trip and sentiments .....I was fascinated from the moment i was sat in my grandfathers betting shop at age 7 (mid 1960s) ...all the phones ringing and the blackboards with betting prices written on them ...lots of people coming in and out with cash in envelopes....and endless noise and activity ....still close my eyes and remember the scene if it was yesterday .....they couldnt stop me from getting involved and by 13 I was a seasoned professional - betting serious money using one of my dads own personal accounts (he was a bookmaker and professional gambler like my grandad).....i graduated into trading eventually but my "miss-spent" gambling youth kept me pretty flush through my teens and taught me plenty about money management, Risk , markets and how to read people also taught me the power of data, numbers and statistics and how to be ahead of the market .......happy days

we are much more conditioned in our youth to future career paths than we think complaints from me except perhaps not becoming a professional trader in my early 20's - instead deciding to qualify as accountant first (as promised to my mother who didnt want her son ending up as yet another bookmaker in the family)

got back there in the end though ...better late than never


Alert! Alert! Alert! for malaguti & new_trader

See my Gold 1H chart from yesterday and then mention of the 261.8% support level. Then look at updated chart, she appears to breakdown starting with a nice juicy Macd-hook on 1H. This is on 1H

But on daily note that the 423.6% level is right about close to the 200-day ema. Yikes! that's $1416 - 1428

You are playing with fire, new_trader. Even if there is a reversal and things go your way, this kind of stress will kill you quick. We are talking about your life savings here - which you clearly stated in your Journal, you have put everything you own into Gold. Man, you're a trader!!! so why are you doing such dumb stuff of buy and holding. disgraceful behavior for a trader!

Please send key to the monkey cage so I can get out and go Home

same chart from recently, no changes

View attachment 269744

updated chart 1H ....................... see additional grid to extreme right how both 38.2% and 61.8% levels were minor stations. We are heading towards 100% of the olive color grid and 423.6% on the original grid,.


will be working on your excellent thread, its a long one and will take time but in the meantime, generally speaking is it a close cousin to the stuff below or does it go way deeper?

hey FT

Dont waste your valuable time on the Big thread (unless you really want to) ...someone of your talents will learn little

It grew and grew into a beast as i continued to refine certain areas and test new boundaries ......I also met many fine traders and programmers along the way and they helped me create many derivatives of the humble core FXCorrelator model (that regrettably will never be offered to the General public)

I ditched the intermarket analysis (a la Murphy and others) years ago as for me it does'nt work - like many trading systems that are claimed to work by mysterious gurus and other bullshit artists....I do not mean to sound disrespectful of his work as it was better than most of the thousands i have studied....

Sure on the face of it intermarket correlation and fuzzy logic naturally exists at a superficial level ......and moderate returns are possible when the patterns and correlations are right ......but I have found them transient and insufficient to justify extended focus and interest

in the end after hundreds of mutated experiments I am pretty simple and purist these days .....My strengthmeter and its derivatives give me an edge in spotting the best pairs to trade and then my secondary more PA / indicator based systems flag up key patterns and signals when they offer......candy from a baby as long as the market has volume and time is right

all i do these days at T2win and other forums is share some really basic ideas and concepts around relative strength and try to enthuse and encourage Forex traders to perhaps use them in their strategies

I cannot believe how dumb most forex traders are......just following 1 or 2 key pairs religiously when the G8 offers 28 pairs to trade ...... 24/7 ......3 main trading sessions a day and 5.5 days a week .....they trade just say 5-10% of the available active market and feed on scraps ......happily

more money available to me I guess and Traders like yourself where you have a phenomenal edge and are bemused and amazed that others dont see it or follow it ......about 95%+ of them in fact (again luckily for us)

I can trade a variety of ways based on what the market is telling me

1 - Continuations into trend
2 - Breakouts (either direction)
3 - Range bound S/R trading
4 - O/B and O/S - retraces

so pretty much the whole range of core stuff most traders use ........probably 35% of the time i'm on strategy 1 when i scalp as long as market is suitable .....35% on Strategy 4 , and 15% on the other 2 ........its hard to be generalist as each market / session is different ...I scalp 90% of the time as any higher timeframes are like watching paint dry and i have less control on external market News and unforseen events...and holding a trade over a weekend would put me in an early grave regardless of ATR and Stop involved .....just my own personal trading personality and character ...I like it fast and tight .... and was made for scalping

my previous post in truth is probably a little too simplistic in truth about "follow what the G8 are doing" and relative strength / weakness .......I do also follow a lot of specific patterns and behaviours of the individual G8 currency indexes and also many tribal / group patterns that give big clues to what is going to happen next .....

again pretty confidential although i let a few out on my thread over the years ....but many are not rocket science Yen and USD in pattern formation both strong or weak is a great market dynamic that will offer easy money on trading the other currencies against them ....although as you are aware these collaborations can disappear much faster than the good old days of Risk on risk off ......(god i miss the easy days of the past )...sprinkle in some CHF correlation as well to spell a full risk pattern and it was easy times.....

there are many many ways to find an edge in trading ......but as in life and business - only a small % master their art and harvest the returns and profits therein ......the others merely exist to feed them as they blindly follow the next faddish system or market with zero discipline or understanding of the trading art.....

anyway enough of me ...this is your show here F and i will continue to follow with interest and respect .....hope you can stay in the game and not get a lifetime ban...although to do so does bring eternal notoriety and reverence ..... and im sure you wouldnt lose sleep about it pm me your contact details before that happens...

good trading
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hey FT

Dont waste your valuable time on the Big thread (unless you really want to) ...someone of your talents will learn little

It grew and grew into a beast as i continued to refine certain areas and test new boundaries ......I also met many fine traders and programmers along the way and they helped me create many derivatives of the humble core FXCorrelator model (that regrettably will never be offered to the General public)

I ditched the intermarket analysis (a la Murphy and others) years ago as for me it does'nt work - like many trading systems that are claimed to work by mysterious gurus and other bullshit artists....I do not mean to sound disrespectful of his work as it was better than most of the thousands i have studied....

Sure on the face of it intermarket correlation and fuzzy logic naturally exists at a superficial level ......and moderate returns are possible when the patterns and correlations are right ......but I have found them transient and insufficient to justify extended focus and interest

in the end after hundreds of mutated experiments I am pretty simple and purist these days .....My strengthmeter and its derivatives give me an edge in spotting the best pairs to trade and then my secondary more PA / indicator based systems flag up key patterns and signals when they offer......candy from a baby as long as the market has volume and time is right

all i do these days at T2win and other forums is share some really basic ideas and concepts around relative strength and try to enthuse and encourage Forex traders to perhaps use them in their strategies

I cannot believe how dumb most forex traders are......just following 1 or 2 key pairs religiously when the G8 offers 28 pairs to trade ...... 24/7 ......3 main trading sessions a day and 5.5 days a week .....they trade just say 5-10% of the available active market and feed on scraps ......happily

more money available to me I guess and Traders like yourself where you have a phenomenal edge and are bemused and amazed that others dont see it or follow it ......about 95%+ of them in fact (again luckily for us)


Thanks very much for the details. Your big thread is probably the most read thread at T2W. Don't worry about it being tedious or whatever, I have ways of going thru' stuff quite fast and read it, I must, having decided to do so already. There is hardly anything else on the site to read so narrowing things down to one big thread does not intimidate me at all. So no worries.

Thanks for the pointers on John Murphy - good to know in advance as I really have never truly jumped in to evaluate his stuff in earnest - except for his basic book on TA

>>>>>> more money available to me I guess and Traders like yourself where you have a phenomenal edge and are bemused and amazed that others dont see it or follow it ......about 95%+ of them in fact (again luckily for us) <<<<<<

Right on! It took me how long to realize that anything I did here at T2W was a waste of time? Right after you came along and in under 48 hours completed your evaluation. You got it right away. The only one who saw value. Happy, yes but depressed for a couple days as it came at me real hard that this place is a bottomless BEAR market. The thing that kept me going before you showed up was the Duke of London. He cott on real quick and his charts show how he nailed a bunch of stuff. Great to see or find a newbie like him, but here, his own kind abandoned him and refused to help him when I was banned. He is being ignored because he is MY friend.
What a fckup!! Vicious vicious place.

Hahahahahaha, the BEAR market will wipe 'em all out. ROFLMAO!
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