Basic Plot-lines For Hollywood Producers


Experienced member
Saw a programme wherein a Hollywood producer said he was always on the look-out for original plot layouts around which a story could be written.I've forgotten this chaps name.I wondered if anyone had any links to (or direct experience of)! of this sort of thing?
Ive got a plot!

Its about someone who goes on a seminar by either Darren Winters or Vince Stanzione and uses the "valuable priceless information that only they have access to etc etc" to become an overnight millionaire!

Mind you, probably a bit too unrealistic for Hollywood!
Ages ago I read somewhere that there are only 27 different plots. It would seem that every book/film fits into one of those plots.
Why don't we create a plot system and sell it?
I'll supply material and you can knit or sew it together🙂🙂

I'll need to knit in a few colourful indicators and moving averages too, just to make it look really complicated and difficult and worth every penny. We'll call it the Holey Grail, and offer a wonderful prize for the first person to unravel it!

Meanwhile, we'll retire to a sunny little tax-free island somewhere nice and hot, and laugh our socks off at how we were able to pull the wool over so many pairs of eyes! Sounds good to me.
The chap gave the example of a woman who sent in the idea of a man living in the Statue Of Liberty.I think needs to be a couple of hundred words.$5000 if they buy the idea up to $50000 if it's made into a film (if I remember).
I think i can come up with 10 scripts by tonight-all of which would be brilliant and be turned into films.

10 times 50k= $500,000 before beddie byes!