Banks position thread


Active member
i bough some shares of French bank stocks ACA (no margin), the most undervalued ultra large cap...

They are becoming a strong bulish (like many others DB, BARC etc.) but this one is stil 3 % below 200 MA, so i think it will go even more north, after get over 31...up to 40...its now at am gona buy some more wedesday, thursday, then after 33-34 reached am gona swing .....


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i bought some buy more cheaper since i work so late,...the thing i like here is i bet on going up ofcourse, i bet Royal would loose the elections, i like the dividends, its a bank stocks afterall, and i must learn the cfds i am new here afterall,...seems thats a great learning oportunity,.....its quite likely that it wont get over 31 in this month, since the technical indicators weekly (PAR) is telling me, that it needs to make a new i might wait...any thought here are welcome.


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2 questions going trou my mind...
1. let ur profits run (should i buy some more and swing later?)
2. never let your winners into loosers (should i lock profits? and buy at better price)
so increase or swing...
ok. here goes the tech issue,...the weekly is in a strong bull trend it make a Dot PAR, which indicates of main reversion, But its 2.5%up, so i think it might test 30.5 one more time, but its more likely that it wont go below 30.75, so Lock profits might damage my over all profit...according to my first plan i should increase any dip til 31.5 reached..... in the meantime, i still got 1 day to recosnider and swing before...


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i change my mind, swinging at 32.12 and buying back at 31.40, then im gona leave no margin position opened till 16.may, when im gona hedge it (results published)...this is the first time im using If done, still didnt lock the profit, main reason is ofcourse my broker as a market maker, anyway weekly chrt indicate the trade is on the right side, dailly stochstic are gona cross, CAC index is outperforming all other indexes, for 2 weeks ....and sarkozy still main potential president of France Rep...


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sarkozy won,, didnt think it will be that close,...i must be a gambler,..hehe, its now at 31.66, ...thank you Sarkozy.