Backing available for systematic traders


Junior member
I am a systems trader for a London proprietary trading house. We are looking to finance and manage new strategies that offer diversification to what we are currently running.

If you feel you might have a viable system but lack the capital or time and feel like this is something you are interested in please contact mes. Through our clearer (Marex Spectron) we are able to handle anything from low/medium to higher frequency, lower latency strategies.
I am a systems trader for a London proprietary trading house. We are looking to finance and manage new strategies that offer diversification to what we are currently running.

If you feel you might have a viable system but lack the capital or time and feel like this is something you are interested in please contact mes. Through our clearer (Marex Spectron) we are able to handle anything from low/medium to higher frequency, lower latency strategies.

I have a solid strategy with medium time frame (30 to 90 days average hold period), that has high risk adjusted returns. PM me if interested.
performance share

I am a systems trader for a London proprietary trading house. We are looking to finance and manage new strategies that offer diversification to what we are currently running.

If you feel you might have a viable system but lack the capital or time and feel like this is something you are interested in please contact mes. Through our clearer (Marex Spectron) we are able to handle anything from low/medium to higher frequency, lower latency strategies.

I managed a fund of a family office and traded Index futures, US commodities and Forex markets using my top performing strategies. I can share my strategy performance results and PM me if you want to discuss further....