Back From The Dead


Well-known member
Hi Guys,

For all those consistently failing as I once was never again.

Just wanted to share and let you know who are not making it stick in there it takes time and belief, but I can now read price action properly without indicators it’s a long road but using a trading simulator helped speed up the learning process.

Use other peoples systems and interpretations of the market to formulate your own according to your own risk parameters. Understand market structure, order flow, liquidity in the market and most importantly market timing as Gann said time is more important than price.

Good luck for the newbies.
but I can now read price action properly without indicators

hi pipsa
i will ignore the oxymoron for now (price action/indicators)....sounds like you have only gone so far, please come back when you have mastered price behaviour.

price action is behaviours' little kiddy.
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please come back when you have mastered price behaviour.

Did you not consider that maybe that's what pipsa meant? When he says he's not using indicators, I take that as he's not using oscillators, macd, MA's, et al - and just watching the charts. (OK, Mr. Semantics, if you define it carefully enough, the charts can be indicators themselves.)

My only guess here is you've seen pipsa on here for a while and don't consider him a decent fellow and you've concluded he deserves condescension (re: "little kiddy" - or maybe you two are well acquainted) . . . but there is GREAT wisdom (coupled with a touch of naivety (can expound if he wants me to)) in what he said in his post and perhaps you can learn from it, or ignore it - but he suggests he's making money. Are you? If he has only gone so far, how far have YOU gone?

Congenial dissent is one thing. "Come back . . . little kiddy" is just, well, kiddy-ish. Maybe I'm kiddy-ish in even saying so. But, Jesus, do you have to be so mean?
hi pipsa
i will ignore the oxymoron for now (price action/indicators)....sounds like you have only gone so far, please come back when you have mastered price behaviour.

price action is behaviours little kiddy.

Say something worthy or dont post rubbish which is no use to anyone but yourself and your ego.

Did you not consider that maybe that's what pipsa meant? When he says he's not using indicators, I take that as he's not using oscillators, macd, MA's, et al - and just watching the charts. (OK, Mr. Semantics, if you define it carefully enough, the charts can be indicators themselves.)

My only guess here is you've seen pipsa on here for a while and don't consider him a decent fellow and you've concluded he deserves condescension (re: "little kiddy" - or maybe you two are well acquainted) . . . but there is GREAT wisdom (coupled with a touch of naivety (can expound if he wants me to)) in what he said in his post and perhaps you can learn from it, or ignore it - but he suggests he's making money. Are you? If he has only gone so far, how far have YOU gone?

Congenial dissent is one thing. "Come back . . . little kiddy" is just, well, kiddy-ish. Maybe I'm kiddy-ish in even saying so. But, Jesus, do you have to be so mean?

You know I've come to learn that reading rubbish on these forums is a must in order to get some decent info. People feel the need to belittle others when your having any ounce of success they brand you a fraud and tell you to flee. They talk more about how much of an ar**e you are rather than talk about trading which is useful.
Did you not consider that maybe that's what pipsa meant? When he says he's not using indicators, I take that as he's not using oscillators, macd, MA's, et al - and just watching the charts. (OK, Mr. Semantics, if you define it carefully enough, the charts can be indicators themselves.)

My only guess here is you've seen pipsa on here for a while and don't consider him a decent fellow and you've concluded he deserves condescension (re: "little kiddy" - or maybe you two are well acquainted) . . . but there is GREAT wisdom (coupled with a touch of naivety (can expound if he wants me to)) in what he said in his post and perhaps you can learn from it, or ignore it - but he suggests he's making money. Are you? If he has only gone so far, how far have YOU gone?

Congenial dissent is one thing. "Come back . . . little kiddy" is just, well, kiddy-ish. Maybe I'm kiddy-ish in even saying so. But, Jesus, do you have to be so mean?

You t0sser it was a tongue in cheek dig at a well known vendor
There is a real danger that new traders might fall into the trap of believing that Pipsaholic actually knows what he is talking about.

Which unfortunately, as any brief examination of the history of his posts will quickly establish, is patently untrue.

He is just another newbie wannabe, lurching on an almost daily basis from one "method", "system" or mystical Holy Grail to the next.
He's tried just about everything, from tweaking standard indicators to lunar cycles and beyond.

Having failed to establish any credible success on spot forex, his latest venture,
yesterday if memory serves,
is to plough his furrow in the world of currency futures, because the presence of "volume" gives him a better chance of attaining success.

Please, any newer trader reading this, take anything he says, recommends or espouses, with liberal doses of salt.
He swings between almost maniacal depression about his trading, and some intermittent high points.

He's obviously had a couple of successful trades recently, and feels like bellowing about his success from the top of a cliff.

Mayhaps he'll throw himself off it instead ?
you've concluded he deserves condescension (re: "little kiddy" -

if you had an ounce of wit, you would realise that he'd simply missed out an apostrophe.

He was saying that price action is behaviour's little kiddy
ie that action derives from behviour

I don't necessarily agree or disagree, but at least I understood what he was trying to say
Thanks RE, I am misunderstood most of the time so I am glad someone understood this time, I had no idea a missing apostrophe could cause so much vitriol.

Really do need a sarc smiley as my signature.

I would comment further on the orig post but it was pretty difficult to ellaborate further. Here gos: er yes, keep working hard everyone.
I think he's not just a newb jumping from method to method, he's a vendor building up a post count before he attempts it.

I too read that rsh01 was saying price action is behaviours little kiddy, and not referring to the poster in a derogatory way. And I don't see any 'GREAT wisdom' in there. Just standard superficial stuff.
Nws, no big deal. You'll be calling me a t0sser come next week (prob deservedly), just like others have.

Have a good weekend all.
I think he's not just a newb jumping from method to method, he's a vendor building up a post count before he attempts it.

I too read that rsh01 was saying price action is behaviours little kiddy, and not referring to the poster in a derogatory way. And I don't see any 'GREAT wisdom' in there. Just standard superficial stuff.

He said he was going down the vendor route some time ago I recall. It was around the same time he got involved with Loz Lawn and co.