Automated Buying/Selling???


Junior member
Hello everyone,

I'm having a weird thought and really had been searching for an answer.
Though i basically trade chartistically on making Price and Volume as the main ingredients, i was having a thought and exploring another aspect of trading - System based trading. The immediate big question was "Forex" itself! Trading a limited hour market is fine if a system is followed as one can trade all the trading signals given by system. But generally its impossible rather illogical to follow a system if a person is trading Forex for the fact its a 24 hour market. Say for instance, if a person trades on the 4-hr basis time frame then (say) he can just manage to take every single trade that the system shows. But what if a person trades on 15 min bar, or best to assume if he trades his system on 5 min chart. Its obviously impossible to trade all the setups. What one requires now is the automated buying/selling. So i was wondering if there is/(are) any broker who actually provides for automatic buying/selling if the system's condition are fulfilled which shall mean that you just need to develop a system - feed the conditions - and all the trades shall be executed automatically once the conditons are fulfilled and triggered.



(Please provide with the link if in case the thread has been discussed earlier. Thank you.)