AutoEABinary with Cedarfinance


hello traders

I used AutoEAbinary software about 1 week. it screwed up half of my account. I notice something fishy so i stopped. I mainly trade forex and just test what was thos binary wizard marketting about. So After got hooked up with Cedarfinance thruogh AutoEAbinary affliate . Fund my account $500. run software lost half of it. I decide look into this binary betting what i have discovered the best opportunity to make damn good money with 250% return on TOUCH OPTION. I test my system and it bring back my account close to $500 by the end of today. I just start looking into binary and wondering how can you lose with binary?
One thing though, after reading review about Cedarfinance I start to worry about withdraw my money . With my system will win and the payout rate offer on Touch Option is crazy no other brokers give that. That's why i can be sure make good money But...But...But Withdraw is a Big Issue.
Here my 1st week Binary with my system
will do better in the long run