At least I'm not alone


Legendary member
In screwing up...

As confessions seem to be the order of the day....

I took a little nibble out of the ES on Friday lunchtime Eastern which is midnight-ish Bangkok time. I'd initially gone in with 5 contracts but added 2 more when things were going my way.

I woke on Saturday morning with an uneasy feeling. Yup - there they were - 2 contracts still sitting there, happy little soldiers both of them. Somehow I'd just closed out 5 contracts and left the additional 2 sitting there.

My theory - I have been test driving the Infinity AT platform and I had it open at the time I was trading. I don't have an account with them at the moment though & I trade the ES it's off the Ninja DOM to IB.

Somehow I didn't close the additional 2 contracts but never mind, because I always end the session by closing out positions. I can remember clearly hitting the 'flatten' button before going back to bed. Of course, Ninja DOM doesn't have a flatten button but Infinity does. Looks like I somehow ended the session on the wrong platform - not that they look that much alike.

So - up at 5am this morning, for the ES open bleary eyed to see what the damage was - $500 in all. Could have been worse I guess...
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Did you close the positions out on open straight away and take the -$500 hit? Or hold on for a while, treat it like a new trade and see where it goes?

As you say could have been a lot lot worse if some negative news came out over the weekend.
Somehow I'd just closed out 5 contracts and left the additional 2 sitting there.

We all do it, or have done it, sometimes and I am no different to anyone else in this. I do have a question though:

Did you not have the option for specifying time in force (TIF) before placing the order ?

Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes. Trading is (if you're any good) 2 steps forward, 1 to 1.9 steps back.

Take the lesson on board and move on.
We all do it, or have done it, sometimes and I am no different to anyone else in this. I do have a question though:

Did you not have the option for specifying time in force (TIF) before placing the order ?


Generally not - with Ninja I use their ATM strategies, so there's always exit orders.

And then sometimes - I even manage to screw that up.
ATM Strategies?!

Who's been watching too much pr0n ?

ATM - it's a Ninjaism. You set up ATM strategies to place your exit orders when you put a trade on. It's a nice feature. Just an odd name. Or maybe they don't have those movies where Ninja is developed.