Asylum in the UK


Guest Author
We've all heard of it. I definitely don't understand the full picture. I pick up that most politicians just don't like talking about it, so maybe its a good yardstick to judge them and their character.

Maybe we can share what it is v's what it looks like, the why's, what's, how's and who's.

Going on from that, maybe we can see what it should be, how it can be better, whether it should be different at all.
We've all heard of it. I definitely don't understand the full picture. I pick up that most politicians just don't like talking about it, so maybe its a good yardstick to judge them and their character.

Maybe we can share what it is v's what it looks like, the why's, what's, how's and who's.

Going on from that, maybe we can see what it should be, how it can be better, whether it should be different at all.

Traditionally the UK has been very generous in offering asylum to genuine cases. But it would seem that there is a trend for economic migrants to masquerade as asylum seekers. Difficult problem – and as with many other governmental matters it won't get attended to so long as Brexit rules the roost.

It's also especially galling to read of cases where e.g. Afghan or Iraqi nationals have assisted UK forces during our colonial expeditions but are subsequently refused asylum and thrown to the dogs. Good old lesson there – never trust a government or a politician.
I can well see some migrants might set off from home / wherever and they only discover later they could be eligible for asylum. Might have thought as long as they declared their name at the border they could just walk into Britain and start looking for a job.

Which mightn't be crazy thinking for someone coming from where they're coming from - I mean, they might think if you can't find a job when you get here you either go home or you go somewhere else or you die, no? Whichever way, you're not a problem to the new country so what the heck.......?
I remember when those 10000s of migrants were allowed to leave Cuba and go to the USA, Castro emptied Cuba's jails and lunatic asylums.

India could export a 100 million people to Europe and hardly notice the difference at home there are so many and doubling every 30 years. About time the EU told them to stay at home and produce less children.
Offering asylum to any ratbag extremist is full of inherent dangers.
They usually could stay at home and gently persuade rather than resort to violence which has been the usual route.
The Asia Bibi case has been in the news lately though I'm not sure of her current whereabouts.

Asia Bibi is the Pakistani Catholic woman convicted there of blasphemy in 2010 and put on death row. Her conviction was overturned last month but she has to remain in the country while this decision is reviewed. In the meantime, she feels unsafe having been the subject of death threats: a government minister and state governor have been assassinated after speaking on her behalf.

Boris Johnson has said she ought to be offered asylum in the UK. This might be posturing as she can't travel abroad anyway, it might be purely political trouble-making on his part.

Apart from Britain's former imperial "links" with Pakistan and Pakistan's Commonwealth membership, there are no ties with the UK in this case.

The UK has not offered asylum and I don't believe an application for asylum has been made. Are we doing the right thing?
Soon hopefully the UK will once again control its own borders.
We can afford to discriminate between migrants. There are those that will benefit this country i.e. qualified at something useful and those that are dangerous political extremists that offer nothing but costly trouble.
Let's hope the bleeding hearts don't opt for too many of the latter.