أسس ضبط النفس في تداول الفوركس


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أسس ضبط النفس في تداول الفوركس

يجب ان تعرف ان النجاح الذى يحققه أى متاجر فى الفوركس يأتى من نجاحه فى ضبط النفس وعدم الوقوع فريسة سهله الى العواطف المدمرة مثل الخوف والطمع والشك وعدم الثقة بالنفس والتردد , كل هذه اخطاء مدمرة يجب التخلص منها .

ضبط النفس او الجانب النفسي للمتاجر بشكل عام يمثل 90 % من المتاجرة فى الفوركس , ببساطة المتاجرة مع الانضباط تعنى النجاح والعكس صحيح المتاجرة بدون انضباط تعنى الفشل .

اذن مفتاح النجاح فى الفوركس يتمثل فى الانضباط واحترام السوق , ويعنى الانضباط التمسك بخطة المتاجرة الخاصة بك والتمسك ايضاً بنظام المتاجرة , اما احترام السوق يتمثل فى عدم الاحساس بالنجاح لمجرد دخولك فى اكثر من صفقة رابحة بشكل متتالى , الربح يولد الاحساس بالثقة , ولاكن الاحساس بالثقة الزائد يولد عدم احترام السوق وعدم احترام السوق او الاستهانة به يتسبب فى الفشل . لابد ان تعلم ان هناك قواعد واسس وانك لست متاجر محترف لانك قمت فقط بالحصول على نتائج ايجابية فى اول فترة لك فى المجال , نجاحك فى اول فترة لك فى المجال فى الغالب يتسبب فى الفشل , وذلك نتيجة عدم احترامك للسوق والتفكير بأن المتاجرة سهلة وبسيطة وأنك من الممكن ان تحصل على ارباح كثيرة جدا فقط إذا قمت بالمتاجرة بنسب كبيرة من رأس مالك { مضاعفة المخاطرة } , وهوا ما يتولد عنه عدم ضبط النفس الذى يتمثل فى التمسك بنظام المتاجرة والتمسك بخطة المتاجرة .

النجاح فى مجال الفوركس يعتمد على ثلاث عناصر , خطة المتاجرة , نظام المتاجرة { الاستراتيجية } والجزء الاهم وهو نفسية المتاجر , وهوا ما سوف نتحدث عنة فى هذا المقال . كما ذكرنا ان هناك قواعد يجب اتباعها لتصبح متاجر ناجح فى مجال الفوركس .. ..

القاعدة الاولى : الانضباط يولد النجاح .

يجب ان تتأكد أن الانضباط هوا الطريق الوحيد الى الربح , وتأكد ايضا انه كلما زاد ضبط النفس لديك كلما زادت ارباحك , أى العلاقة بين الانضباط والربح علاقة طردية , واكبر الخسائر تأتى من عدم التمسك بضبط النفس { خطة المتاجرة } , اذن كلما تمسكت بنظام ضبط النفس كلما زادت ارباحك وكلما ابتعدت عنه زادت خسائرك .

القاعدة الثانية : الانضباط الكلي .

يجب عليك أن تعلم أن الانضباط ليس جزئيا , ولكن الانضباط هو سلوك يجب ان يظل متكامل بنسبة مئة بالمئة , يجب ان تظل منضبط متمسكاً بخطة المتاجرة فى كل مرة تريد المتاجرة فيها , فى كل صفقة وفى كل يوم , لا تدعى الانضباط اذ لم تكن متمسكا بخطة المتاجرة بنسبة مئة بالمئة وفى كل اوقات المتاجرة .

يجب ألاتخدع نفسك بأنك منضبط وانت فى الحقيقة عكس ذلك تماما مثل الذى يقرر الاقلاع عن التدخين ولكن يدخن مرة واحدة يومياٌ , هوا في حقيقة الأمر لم يقلع عن التدخين .

فأذا كنت منضبط فى تسعة صفقات من عشرة فأنت ليس منضبط , الانضباط فى مجال الفوركس غير قابل للتجزئة , فأما انت منضبط وفى هذة الحالة ناجح فى ادارة رأس مالك , ام انك غير منضبط وغير قابل على احترام السوق , بالتالى غير قابل على حماية رأس مالك داخل هذا المجال , يجب أن تعلم ايضا بأن الاحترافية تأتى من الانضباط , كونك متاجر منضبط متمسك بنظامك الخاص فى المتاجرة فأنت تتعامل باحترافية مع السوق , والسبب فى عدم تجزئة الانضباط داخل هذا المجال انه يمكن لصفقة واحدة فقط ان تهدم نظام ادارة المخاطر الخاص بك , وهي الصفقة التى تخاطر فيها بنسبة مخاطرة كبيرة وتدفعك الى التعويض

بأن تضاعف نسبة المخاطرة اكثر فأكثر , متخلياٌ تماماٌ عن نظام ادارة المخاطر الخاص بك , وسيتسبب ذلك فى هدم نظام ادارة المخاطر , يجب ممارسة الانضباط فى كل يوم تريد الدخول فيها الى سوق .

القاعدة الثالثة : دائماً يجب تقليل نسبة المخاطرة عند الخسارات المتاالية .

اياك ومضاعفة نسبة المخاطرة عند خسارة أى صفقة فقط تذكر أن تفعل العكس .

عندما تجد الاستراتيجية الخاصة بك غير متوافقة مع السوق فى فترة من الفترات يجب عليك تقليل نسبة المخاطرة وهذا يعنى انك فى اصعب الاوقات ستخسر اقل , يتبع هذا الاسلوب كل المتاجرين المحترفين فى عالم الفوركس , هذا يعنى انك دائما لديك الفرصة فى تغطية الخسائر والرجوع الى الربح مرة اخرى , اما اذا قمت بمضاعفة نسبة المخاطرة لتعويض صفقاتك الخاسرة , فلن تستطيع حماية نفسك من السوق وستخرج منة خاسراً كل رأس مالك فى وقت قصير جدا , اذن الطريقة الصحيحة فى المتاجرة هي اتباع نظام تقليل المخاطرة عند الخسارة , الى ان تغطى ارباحك ما تم خسارته , فيمكنك الى الرجوع الى نظام المخاطرة الخاص بك من جديد .

لا يوجد ابدا نظام متاجرة يتناسب مع السوق فى كل الاوقات , ولكنك يجب ان تعرف متى يجب عليك الابتعاد عن السوق .

ايضا يجب أن تعرف أن الخسارات الكبيرة فقط هى من تهدم نظام المتاجرة الخاص بك .

القاعدة الرابعة : عدم تحويل الصفقة الرابحة الى صفقة خاسرة .

لا تحاول ان تدفع السوق الى حيث تريد , انت فقط يمكنك ان تأخذ ما يريد ان يعطيك السوق , حين تضع نقطة جنى ارباحك عند حد معين هذا ليس معناة ان السوق مطالب بأن يذهب الى هذا الحد ليعطيك ما تريد من ارباح , العكس هوا الصحيح , انت يجب ان تأخذ ما يريد ان يعطيك السوق من ارباح فقط , لا احد يستطيع فرض شروط على السوق او التحكم فية , انت فقط تريد حماية نفسك وارباحك , لا تدع نفسك ابدا فريسة للطمع , الطمع دائما سيجعلك غير قادر على أخذ قرار الخروج من الصفقة متقبلا ربح صغير وسينتهى بك الحال بخسارة الصفقة , كل ذلك حدث بسبب التمنى , فأنت تركت ارباح صغيرة تتحول الى خسارة متمنيا ان يذهب السوق الى حيث انت تريد , من صفات المتاجر الفاشل تحويل الربح الى خسارة , فى حقيقة الامر هذا هو عقاب الطمع , بأن يتحرك السوك فى اتجاهك وترفض انت ان تقبل الارباح , فتتحول الارباح الى خسارة .

لاداعى ابدا لمثل هذا الطمع , فانت دائما لديك الفرصة للمتاجرة , وستدخل فى صفقات كثيرة بعد تلك الصفقة , ليس من الجيد ان تربح او تخسر كل شىء فى صفقة واحدة .

القاعدة الخامسة : يجب ألا تتعدى أكبر خساره لك أكبر ربح .

لاتدع خسارة صفقة واحدة تأخذ كل الربح الذي حققته خلال مدة معينة , فأذا ربحت مثلا 1000 دولار خلال شهر من المتاجرة لاتدخل صفقة واحدة مخاطراً بكل المبلغ , من الخطأ ان تخسر كل شىء فى صفقة واحدة ومن الخطأ ايضاً ان تربح كل شىء فى صفقة واحدة , و من الافضل ان

تتمسك بنظام المتاجرة الخاص بك وايضا بخطة ادارة المخاطر , لتتمكن من حماية ارباحك التى حققتها , وهذا يأتى من الانضباط ايضاً .

القاعدة السادسة : التمسك بالاستراتيجية الخاصة بك .

التمسك بطريقة المتاجرة كما تحدثنا من قبل من اهم خطط النجاح , ولكن يبقى السؤال متى اتأكد من سلامة نظام المتاجرة ؟؟

بالطبع ليس من الطبيعي ان يعطيك نظام المتاجرة 100 % نتائج ايجابية , ولكن اذا حصلت على 70 % فهو نظام متاجرة ناجح .

الاهم هوا التمسك بنظام المتاجرة , أياً كان هذا النظام لايهم الاهم هوا التمسك به , والسير تبعاً لخطه محددة , وقواعد محددة .

القاعدة السابعة : عدم الصبر على الخسارة .

يجب ان تتعلم ألا تضع امال على صفقة تسير عكس اتجاهك أن تعود فى صالحك , من الاخطاء الكبيرة هوا تغير مكان وقف الخسائر لتوقعك بأن الصفقة سترجع ألى اتجاهك مرة اخرى , التوقعات تعنى الفشل , تذكر دائماً انها لعبة احتمالات , وأن أى شىء يمكن أن يحدث فى أى لحظة , وانك ليس متاجر فاشل بسبب خسارة صفقة واحدة , انت فقط ستصبح متاجر فاشل عندما تصبر على الخسارة وانت تعلم بأن الصفقة ليست جيدة .فأذا اشارت الاحتمالات الى فشل الصفقة بعد دخولك , يجب أن تتقبل الخسارة وتخرج فوراً وفق نظام المتاجرة الخاص بك , أى متاجر فى الفوركس يدخل فى صفقات فتسير عكس الاتجاة المتوقع , ولكن المتاجر الناجح هوا من يدرك سريعاً بأن الصفقة تحولت التى صفقة خاسرة ويخرج قبل أن يتحمل خسارة كبيرة .

القاعدة الثامنة : البعد عن فكرة الثراء السريع .

انت ستنجح فلا تستعجل , ستصبح متاجر ناجح ولكن فقط يجب ألا تستعجل هذا النجاح , ستربح ولكن لا تتعجل الربح , لن تفشل مادمت قادر أن تدير رأس مالك فلا تخسر كل شىء فى وقت قصير جدا , تذكر اذا ربحت كل يوم القليل ستجني الكثير على المدى الطويل , مع الوقت ستتعجب من أن حسابك يكبر فى وقت سريع جدا اذ كنت تربح ارباح قليلة كل يوم , هذا كله يتوقف على عدم المخاطرة بنسب كبيرة .

القاعدة التاسعة : تقبل الخسارة .

يجب عليك كمتاجر فى الفوركس أن تعود نفسك على تقبل الصفقات الخاسرة , فقط تذكر انك لن تربح كل صفقاتك وانك لست محتاج ان تربح كل صفقاتك , انت فقط تحتاج ان تدير هذه الصفقات ادارة ناجحة ,بمعنى أن لأا تصبر على صفقاتك الخاسرة و تصبر على صفقاتك الناجحة .

كما قال جورج سوروس { أحد أنجح المتاجرين فى الفوركس } بأن ليس المهم أن تكون على خطأ أم صواب , الاهم كم ستخسر عنما تكون على خطأ وكم ستربح عندما تكون على صواب .

لاتجعل احساسك بالطمع يتحكم فيك فتصبح رافض الخسارة بشكل كلي , اذن ليس مكانك الفوركس , مثل هذه الخسائر من الطبيعي ان تحدث , ليس الطبيعي أن تربح 100% من صفقاتك .

القاعدة العاشرة : عدم التنبأ , عدم التردد .

دائما ما يحلل المتاجر العملة تحليل صحيح , وتتحرك العلة فى الاتجاة المتوقع منه , ولكنه لم يدخل الصفقة , السبب هوا الانتظار الى افضل سعر للدخول , وهو ما يتسبب فى معظم الاوقات تفويتك لربح كبير جدا , اذا التحليل المعقد دائما ما سيدفعك الى تفويت مثل هذه الفرص , تعود دائما أن تجعل تحليلك بسيط , ليس معقد .

الخطوة الثانية عدم التردد فى دخول الصفقة , اذا اعطاك نظام المتاجرة الخاص بك اشارة للدخوا , فهو وقت الدخول , لا تنتظر لافضل مكان لدخولك الصفقة , ان لن تربح اذ لم تدخل الصفقة , لا يهم التحليل .

ادخل الصفقة واصبر على الارباح ولا تصبر على الخسائر , ولا تتردد , التحليل المعقد ليس لازما للنجاح , فقط ادارة الصفقة هي التى تهم .

اخيراً ....

ارجو أن تكون الان ادركت أن النجاح فى الفوركس لايأتى ببساطة وأن الانضباط والتمسك بنظام المتاجرة والسير وفقاً لقواعد من اهم قواعد النجاح فى الفوركس , بالممارسة ستجد هذه القواعد سهلة وبسيطة تماما .

بقلم: محمد زيدان
every body if you need an english copy for this article { the rules of despline } you can just tell me in a comment , it's my pleasure .

thank you .

mohamed zedan
every body if you need an english copy for this article { the rules of despline } you can just tell me in a comment , it's my pleasure
Hi zedanzz,
Only post in English please. It doesn't matter if it's not your first language, just do your best!
okay , i'am sorry i didn't know that it is not allowed in other languages . i will post in english , i just wanted to help the arabic traders too , ofcourse you have arabic traders here on the site .

Hi zedanzz,

I have just google translated your post and wanted to post the translation here because I honestly think this is one of the best posts I have read on T2W. It sums up all of the most important aspects of trading.


CES self-tuning in the forex trading

Should know that the success achieved by any stores in Forex comes from his success in self-restraint and not to fall easy prey to destructive emotions such as fear and greed, suspicion and lack of self-confidence and frequency, all of these devastating mistakes must be disposed of.

Restraint or psychological aspect of the stores generally represents 90% of Forex trading, simply trading with discipline concerned with success and vice versa trading without the discipline of dealing with failure.

So the key to success in Forex is the discipline and respect for the market, and means of discipline stick to plan your trading and stick also based trading, either respect the market is the lack of a sense of success just logged in more than a bargain in sequence, profit generates a sense of confidence, but I was feeling extra confident generates a lack of respect for the market and lack of respect for the market or underestimated cause of failure. We must learn that there are rules and principles and you are not a professional shops, because you've just to get positive results in the first period you in the field, your success in the first period for you in the field mostly cause of failure, and as a result not your respect for the market and think that trading is easy and simple and you are from is possible to get too much profit only if you have to trade a large proportion of your capital} {double the risk, and Hua what generates the lack of self-tuning, which is to uphold the trading system and stick to a plan to trade.

Success in the field of forex depends on three elements, trading plan, trading system {} strategy and the most important part, a psychological stores, Hua what we will be talking about in this article. As we mentioned that there are rules that must be followed to become a successful stores in the field of forex .. ..

The first rule: Discipline breeds success.

Must ensure that discipline Hua only way to profit, and also make sure that whenever restraint increased you have the greater the profits, ie the relationship between discipline and gain a direct correlation, and the biggest losses come from the non-stick restraint {trading plan}, then whenever stuck restraint system whenever your profits increased and the farther it increased your losses.

The second rule: the total discipline.

You should know that discipline is not partially, but discipline is the behavior must remain integrated by one hundred percent, you must remain disciplined stick to a plan to trade every time you want to trade in, in every transaction and every day, does not claim to discipline as were not stick to the plan trading at one hundred percent and in all times of trading.

Must Olatkhadda yourself that you disciplined and you are in fact just the opposite, such as who decides to quit smoking, but smoking once a day, Hua in fact did not stop smoking.

If you are disciplined in nine transactions of ten you are not disciplined, discipline in the field of Forex is indivisible, either you are disciplined in this successful case in your capital management, or you are not disciplined and is not to respect the market, thus not met to protect your capital within this area, you should also know that professionalism comes from the discipline, being disciplined stores sticking to your to your system in the trade, you are dealing professionally with the market, and the cause of the indivisibility of discipline within this area that can only destroy your risk management system and one for the deal, a deal that the risk increased by a big risk, and pushes you to compensation

That doubled the risk ratio of more and more, completely erasing your risk management system, it will cause the demolition of the risk management system, you must exercise discipline in every day you want to enter the market.

The third rule: always should reduce the risk ratio when losses Almtaalah.

Beware of doubling the risk ratio when the loss of any deal just remember to do the opposite.

When your strategy find incompatible with the market at a time, you should reduce the risk ratio, which means that you are in the most difficult times will lose less, this method follows all professional traders in the forex world, which means that you always have the opportunity to cover the losses and return to profit once the other, but if you double the risk ratio to compensate for your transactions loser, you can not protect yourself from the market and will emerge from him losing all your capital in a very short time, then the correct way to trade is to follow to reduce risk at a loss system, that covers your profits what has been lost, you to refer to your risk of a new system.

There is never a trade commensurate with the market at all times system, but you must know when you should stay away from the market.

You must also know that large losses are only of destroying your trading system.

The fourth rule is: Do not convert Winning the deal to a bad deal.

Do not try to drive the market to where you want you just you can take what he wants to give the market, while put reap profits point at a certain point this does not mean that the market demands that go this far to give you what you want from the profits, right opposite Hua, you, you must take what he wants to market gives profits only, no one can impose conditions on the market, or control it, you just want to protect yourself and your earnings, do not let yourself never prey to greed, greed always make you unable to take the decision out of the deal receptive profit small and will end up as a loss of the deal, it all happened because of wishful thinking, you left a small profit turn into a loss, wishing to go the market to where you want, from recipes shops failed conversion of profit to loss, in fact, this is the punishment of greed, that Alsuk moving in your direction and you refuse to accept the profits, earnings and converted into a loss.

Never No need for greed like this, you always have the opportunity to trade, and will be included in many transactions after the deal, it is not good to win or lose everything in a single package.

The fifth rule: should not exceed the biggest loss you more profit.

Do not let the loss of a single transaction takes all the profit achieved during a certain period, if, for example, earned $ 1,000 during the month of trading to interfere one deal, risking all the money, it is wrong to lose everything in one transaction and it is wrong also can win everything in one transaction, and It is better to

Stick to your trading system, as well as risk management plan, to be able to protect the profits made by, and this comes from the discipline as well.

Sixth-Qaeda: stick to your strategy.

Adhere to the way trading as we talked before of the most important success plans, but the question remains when I check the integrity of the trading system ??

Of course it is not natural that gives you 100% positive trading results system, but if you got 70% is a successful trading system.

More importantly Hua stick to trading system, whatever the system to the most important matter Hua stick with it, and walk depending on the specific plan, and specific rules.

Qaeda seventh: lack of patience on the loss.

Should learn not to put hopes of a deal going reverse your direction to go back in your favor, from the big mistakes Hua change place stop losses to your prospect that the deal will be returned to your direction again, expectations mean failure, always remember it for the game possibilities, and that anything that can happen in any moment, and you are not a failed stores because of the loss of a single transaction, you just become a failed stores when the patient on the loss and you know that the deal is not good .voma indicated possibilities to the failure of the deal after you enter, you must accept the loss and come out immediately according to your trading system, ie stores in Forex enter into deals marching reverse the expected direction, but the successful Hua shops of quickly realizes that the deal, which turned into a bad deal and get out before they bear a great loss.

Qaeda eighth: cry from the idea of get rich quick.

You will succeed no rush, will become successful stores, but only should not rush this success, will win, but do not rush profit, as long as you can not fail to manage your capital not lose everything in a very short time, remember if you win every day little will reap a lot in the long run , with time Sttjb that your account is growing up in a very quick time as you win a few profit every day, this all depends on not to risk a great extent.

Qaeda ninth: accept the loss.

You must be a trader in the Forex return yourself to accept the money-losing trades, just remember that you will not win all your trades and you are not in need to win all your transactions, you just need to manage these transactions successful administration, meaning that aa patient with your trades losers and endures successful your trades .

George Soros {one of the most successful traders also said in forex} that is not important to be right or wrong and, more importantly, how to lose Shahu be at fault and how much you win when you are on the right.

DO NOT let your sense of greed controls Vic becomes dismissive loss entirely, then no place Forex, such losses from natural to occur, it is not natural to win 100% of your trades.

X-Qaeda: not prophesying, do not hesitate.

Always analyzes shops currency true analysis, and moving the illness in the direction expected from him, but he did not enter the deal, why Hua wait for a better price for the entry, which is what causes most of the time Tfoatk very large profit, if the complex analysis always push you to miss such opportunities , always come back to make your analysis is simple, not complicated.

The second step do not hesitate to enter the deal, if your trading system has given you a signal to Djua, it is the time of entry, do not wait for the best place to deal logged in, that will not win as it did not enter the deal, it does not matter analysis.

Enter the deal and patient on profits and losses to be patient, and do not hesitate, complex analysis is not necessary for success, only managing the deal are of concern.

At last ....

I hope you now realize that success in Forex does not come simply and discipline and stick to the trading system and walk according to the rules of the most important rules of success in forex, by doing this you will find quite easy and simple rules.

By: Mohamed Zidan

Trading Forums such as T2W often concentrate on the wrong aspects of trading. This is because people ask the wrong questions. Every new trader wants to know about systems, but the is not the important part. What you have written about is the important part.
The google translation is a bit rough, but your intentions in the post are very clear.
I would urge any one to muddle through my translation.

Hi zedanzz,

I have just google translated your post and wanted to post the translation here because I honestly think this is one of the best posts I have read on T2W. It sums up all of the most important aspects of trading.


CES self-tuning in the forex trading

Should know that the success achieved by any stores in Forex comes from his success in self-restraint and not to fall easy prey to destructive emotions such as fear and greed, suspicion and lack of self-confidence and frequency, all of these devastating mistakes must be disposed of.

Restraint or psychological aspect of the stores generally represents 90% of Forex trading, simply trading with discipline concerned with success and vice versa trading without the discipline of dealing with failure.

So the key to success in Forex is the discipline and respect for the market, and means of discipline stick to plan your trading and stick also based trading, either respect the market is the lack of a sense of success just logged in more than a bargain in sequence, profit generates a sense of confidence, but I was feeling extra confident generates a lack of respect for the market and lack of respect for the market or underestimated cause of failure. We must learn that there are rules and principles and you are not a professional shops, because you've just to get positive results in the first period you in the field, your success in the first period for you in the field mostly cause of failure, and as a result not your respect for the market and think that trading is easy and simple and you are from is possible to get too much profit only if you have to trade a large proportion of your capital} {double the risk, and Hua what generates the lack of self-tuning, which is to uphold the trading system and stick to a plan to trade.

Success in the field of forex depends on three elements, trading plan, trading system {} strategy and the most important part, a psychological stores, Hua what we will be talking about in this article. As we mentioned that there are rules that must be followed to become a successful stores in the field of forex .. ..

The first rule: Discipline breeds success.

Must ensure that discipline Hua only way to profit, and also make sure that whenever restraint increased you have the greater the profits, ie the relationship between discipline and gain a direct correlation, and the biggest losses come from the non-stick restraint {trading plan}, then whenever stuck restraint system whenever your profits increased and the farther it increased your losses.

The second rule: the total discipline.

You should know that discipline is not partially, but discipline is the behavior must remain integrated by one hundred percent, you must remain disciplined stick to a plan to trade every time you want to trade in, in every transaction and every day, does not claim to discipline as were not stick to the plan trading at one hundred percent and in all times of trading.

Must Olatkhadda yourself that you disciplined and you are in fact just the opposite, such as who decides to quit smoking, but smoking once a day, Hua in fact did not stop smoking.

If you are disciplined in nine transactions of ten you are not disciplined, discipline in the field of Forex is indivisible, either you are disciplined in this successful case in your capital management, or you are not disciplined and is not to respect the market, thus not met to protect your capital within this area, you should also know that professionalism comes from the discipline, being disciplined stores sticking to your to your system in the trade, you are dealing professionally with the market, and the cause of the indivisibility of discipline within this area that can only destroy your risk management system and one for the deal, a deal that the risk increased by a big risk, and pushes you to compensation

That doubled the risk ratio of more and more, completely erasing your risk management system, it will cause the demolition of the risk management system, you must exercise discipline in every day you want to enter the market.

The third rule: always should reduce the risk ratio when losses Almtaalah.

Beware of doubling the risk ratio when the loss of any deal just remember to do the opposite.

When your strategy find incompatible with the market at a time, you should reduce the risk ratio, which means that you are in the most difficult times will lose less, this method follows all professional traders in the forex world, which means that you always have the opportunity to cover the losses and return to profit once the other, but if you double the risk ratio to compensate for your transactions loser, you can not protect yourself from the market and will emerge from him losing all your capital in a very short time, then the correct way to trade is to follow to reduce risk at a loss system, that covers your profits what has been lost, you to refer to your risk of a new system.

There is never a trade commensurate with the market at all times system, but you must know when you should stay away from the market.

You must also know that large losses are only of destroying your trading system.

The fourth rule is: Do not convert Winning the deal to a bad deal.

Do not try to drive the market to where you want you just you can take what he wants to give the market, while put reap profits point at a certain point this does not mean that the market demands that go this far to give you what you want from the profits, right opposite Hua, you, you must take what he wants to market gives profits only, no one can impose conditions on the market, or control it, you just want to protect yourself and your earnings, do not let yourself never prey to greed, greed always make you unable to take the decision out of the deal receptive profit small and will end up as a loss of the deal, it all happened because of wishful thinking, you left a small profit turn into a loss, wishing to go the market to where you want, from recipes shops failed conversion of profit to loss, in fact, this is the punishment of greed, that Alsuk moving in your direction and you refuse to accept the profits, earnings and converted into a loss.

Never No need for greed like this, you always have the opportunity to trade, and will be included in many transactions after the deal, it is not good to win or lose everything in a single package.

The fifth rule: should not exceed the biggest loss you more profit.

Do not let the loss of a single transaction takes all the profit achieved during a certain period, if, for example, earned $ 1,000 during the month of trading to interfere one deal, risking all the money, it is wrong to lose everything in one transaction and it is wrong also can win everything in one transaction, and It is better to

Stick to your trading system, as well as risk management plan, to be able to protect the profits made by, and this comes from the discipline as well.

Sixth-Qaeda: stick to your strategy.

Adhere to the way trading as we talked before of the most important success plans, but the question remains when I check the integrity of the trading system ??

Of course it is not natural that gives you 100% positive trading results system, but if you got 70% is a successful trading system.

More importantly Hua stick to trading system, whatever the system to the most important matter Hua stick with it, and walk depending on the specific plan, and specific rules.

Qaeda seventh: lack of patience on the loss.

Should learn not to put hopes of a deal going reverse your direction to go back in your favor, from the big mistakes Hua change place stop losses to your prospect that the deal will be returned to your direction again, expectations mean failure, always remember it for the game possibilities, and that anything that can happen in any moment, and you are not a failed stores because of the loss of a single transaction, you just become a failed stores when the patient on the loss and you know that the deal is not good .voma indicated possibilities to the failure of the deal after you enter, you must accept the loss and come out immediately according to your trading system, ie stores in Forex enter into deals marching reverse the expected direction, but the successful Hua shops of quickly realizes that the deal, which turned into a bad deal and get out before they bear a great loss.

Qaeda eighth: cry from the idea of get rich quick.

You will succeed no rush, will become successful stores, but only should not rush this success, will win, but do not rush profit, as long as you can not fail to manage your capital not lose everything in a very short time, remember if you win every day little will reap a lot in the long run , with time Sttjb that your account is growing up in a very quick time as you win a few profit every day, this all depends on not to risk a great extent.

Qaeda ninth: accept the loss.

You must be a trader in the Forex return yourself to accept the money-losing trades, just remember that you will not win all your trades and you are not in need to win all your transactions, you just need to manage these transactions successful administration, meaning that aa patient with your trades losers and endures successful your trades .

George Soros {one of the most successful traders also said in forex} that is not important to be right or wrong and, more importantly, how to lose Shahu be at fault and how much you win when you are on the right.

DO NOT let your sense of greed controls Vic becomes dismissive loss entirely, then no place Forex, such losses from natural to occur, it is not natural to win 100% of your trades.

X-Qaeda: not prophesying, do not hesitate.

Always analyzes shops currency true analysis, and moving the illness in the direction expected from him, but he did not enter the deal, why Hua wait for a better price for the entry, which is what causes most of the time Tfoatk very large profit, if the complex analysis always push you to miss such opportunities , always come back to make your analysis is simple, not complicated.

The second step do not hesitate to enter the deal, if your trading system has given you a signal to Djua, it is the time of entry, do not wait for the best place to deal logged in, that will not win as it did not enter the deal, it does not matter analysis.

Enter the deal and patient on profits and losses to be patient, and do not hesitate, complex analysis is not necessary for success, only managing the deal are of concern.

At last ....

I hope you now realize that success in Forex does not come simply and discipline and stick to the trading system and walk according to the rules of the most important rules of success in forex, by doing this you will find quite easy and simple rules.

By: Mohamed Zidan

Trading Forums such as T2W often concentrate on the wrong aspects of trading. This is because people ask the wrong questions. Every new trader wants to know about systems, but the is not the important part. What you have written about is the important part.
The google translation is a bit rough, but your intentions in the post are very clear.
I would urge any one to muddle through my translation.

i would like to thank you alot , you really made my day and i'am so sorry for not posting it in english , i will post all of my posts in english the next times , and i want to tell you that i have studies in trading psychology and what i'am trying to do is to keep it simple as possible as i can . thank's for translation and i hope you wait for the next posts it will be helful .

best regards