Asian Stocks down?


Junior member
Looks like that today is not the day of the Asia-Pacific share-market. The stocks in Asia have slipped when oil prices were high and there is a reminder of rising inflation pressures. The U.S dollar struggled on fears about the potentially underfunded mortgage finance companies. The onslaught of higher commodity prices cited as a reason for high global inflation, showed no sign of letting up soon.

Sine there is tensions in Iraq and those tensions may hamper the oil supplies. When the oil supply is less, the price will be more and if crude prices go high, then many markets will be affected and one such is the Asian-market as well.
STI for one tracks the DOW closely (look up the historical charts)... same for HSI, except that the latter looks a little more to China indices for their guidance. With the US doing as it is now, not hard to see where Asia will go (compound this for less resillient markets like Bursa, SET..etc.)
thanx for the post... yea its true that we are unable to make our how the Asian stocks are going about. But i think they would be back to normal and we hope not to see yen in so called carry trades for future...
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