Car Key Boi
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smoking, harrassment rumors blah
and here's why. Gray Davis and his fellow lefty asswipes have brought California to it's knees. There are tons of state workers who are wondering if they're gonna receive a paycheck next month or if indeed they're gonna have a job at all.... something that is unthinkable for a state worker. It's always been the case that if yuo're an employee of the state of cali, that's a job for life. But not anymore, these are not normal times and the situation calls for some extraordinary measures...
at times, Arnie can sound and act like a moran (just like the CKB) but he's actually a remarkable man. He is so single-minded and possesses a self-belief that he can be successful at anything he turns his hand to, and to date, that awesome self-belief has been totally justified. If someone had told yuo 30 years ago that a boi from Austria barely able to speak English, and with zero acting ability and a nazi dad could end up marrying a Kennedy (the most powerful and famous Liberaltard family in US history), become a major movie star worth 10s of mils, and be on the verge of winning gov.of Cali, yuo probably would've replied YUO=MORAN and yet this is where we are...
hard brutal decisions need to be made to arrest the massive spending deficit. Cali needs a boi who is single-minded and determined to succeed whatever the odds. Arnie is that boi
oh, and as for Arnie's past re: gay pics, smoking dope blah
those are popular recreational activities to yuor average Cali Tard, and i don't confine that remark to the BUMS that hang outside Taco Bell
take yuor average 70 something Cali grandmother, lives in a respectable neighborhood. On weekends she does a little voluntary work for say the San Fran Wimmins Institute. Hey! guess what? back in the 60s that conservative looking grandmother was dropping acid at some hippie gig and participating in a gangbang with a bunch of out-of-state veiny drifter cocks. See that retired CEO lining up a putt on the 14th at the exclusive Round Hill country club? hey! guess what? back in the 60's HE was a veiny drifter cock dropping acid, smoking dope, banging chicks in the back of a greyhound on the way to Sacramento blah
my point is, yuor average Cali Tard, even the old folks, ain't gonna be shocked or taken aback coz Arnie smoked a little dope or was a little touchy-touchy with some of the wimmin that worked with him on movie sets blah. In spite of pronouncing it "Kah-lee-fon-yah" Arnie's a Cali Tard through and through
and he's gonna win....
- Car Key Boi
and here's why. Gray Davis and his fellow lefty asswipes have brought California to it's knees. There are tons of state workers who are wondering if they're gonna receive a paycheck next month or if indeed they're gonna have a job at all.... something that is unthinkable for a state worker. It's always been the case that if yuo're an employee of the state of cali, that's a job for life. But not anymore, these are not normal times and the situation calls for some extraordinary measures...
at times, Arnie can sound and act like a moran (just like the CKB) but he's actually a remarkable man. He is so single-minded and possesses a self-belief that he can be successful at anything he turns his hand to, and to date, that awesome self-belief has been totally justified. If someone had told yuo 30 years ago that a boi from Austria barely able to speak English, and with zero acting ability and a nazi dad could end up marrying a Kennedy (the most powerful and famous Liberaltard family in US history), become a major movie star worth 10s of mils, and be on the verge of winning gov.of Cali, yuo probably would've replied YUO=MORAN and yet this is where we are...
hard brutal decisions need to be made to arrest the massive spending deficit. Cali needs a boi who is single-minded and determined to succeed whatever the odds. Arnie is that boi
oh, and as for Arnie's past re: gay pics, smoking dope blah
those are popular recreational activities to yuor average Cali Tard, and i don't confine that remark to the BUMS that hang outside Taco Bell
take yuor average 70 something Cali grandmother, lives in a respectable neighborhood. On weekends she does a little voluntary work for say the San Fran Wimmins Institute. Hey! guess what? back in the 60s that conservative looking grandmother was dropping acid at some hippie gig and participating in a gangbang with a bunch of out-of-state veiny drifter cocks. See that retired CEO lining up a putt on the 14th at the exclusive Round Hill country club? hey! guess what? back in the 60's HE was a veiny drifter cock dropping acid, smoking dope, banging chicks in the back of a greyhound on the way to Sacramento blah
my point is, yuor average Cali Tard, even the old folks, ain't gonna be shocked or taken aback coz Arnie smoked a little dope or was a little touchy-touchy with some of the wimmin that worked with him on movie sets blah. In spite of pronouncing it "Kah-lee-fon-yah" Arnie's a Cali Tard through and through
and he's gonna win....
- Car Key Boi