Are you an independnet busy trader based in London?


Junior member
Hi ,

I m looking for an independent trader in London that is seeking for help due to huge volatility on the markets duirng last months.

What do i offer?

My help for free, because i have come here to learn. I have a + 6 years full time degree in economics from the bigest university in spain . (universidad complutense de madrid) and i m fluent in four european languages (english, french, spanish, bulgarian) and also a CFA level one candidate. I grew up in four countries.

I m 26 years old and just finish an intership program at credit suisse madrid and decided to come to london because i want to learn from somebody that is really good.

so i offer all my skills, i can translate financial news from diferent languages, can think fast and give ideas.

hope to hear soon you, busy trader

..and if you are reading this and you are not a trader, but you have a friend that is , please tell him !
