Arabian's Thread?

FX Bandit

Established member
Arabian's thread: List nobs to be banned. This was presumably a list of nobs who ought to be banned, yes?

If so, someone please tell me: did I make the Top 10?
I find it odd to be so proud of making so much extra work for the volunteers who moderate this forum. I'm disappointed.
I find it odd to be so proud of making so much extra work for the volunteers who moderate this forum. I'm disappointed.

Arabian generates a lot of traffic for this site. He's one of the few reasons anyone visits. Without Mr Nights, T2W would cease to exist !
Arabian generates a lot of traffic for this site. He's one of the few reasons anyone visits. Without Mr Nights, T2W would cease to exist !

I'm sure i've heard this line before.

Ah yes I remember now. You said the same about Socco. :LOL:
Arabian generates a lot of traffic for this site. He's one of the few reasons anyone visits. Without Mr Nights, T2W would cease to exist !

Although purposefully vague in my remarks, I'm confused on how one could assume Arabian was my target.
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Arabian's thread: List nobs to be banned. This was presumably a list of nobs who ought to be banned, yes?

If so, someone please tell me: did I make the Top 10?

Was I on it? And surely Dave put himself up for eviction/wanted to be on it himself..:D
To commemorate socco why not donate to that maltese kid's place. I'd link to it but I forget the name.
lololololollol i bet my house i'm in the top 10 :D if you've ever seen arabian get all hot n' bothered when i say something in his chat room, and yet i just always come back to say hi!

arabian; learn to permo ban, the normal ban resets after like 2 days