The stock is hitting support and has good potential.
APWR Stock Analysis
APWR - A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd listed on NASDAQ.
APWR - Sector: Utilities, Industry: Electric Utilities.
APWR is in an downtrend.
APWR lost -0.50% on 11/26/10 and a toal percentage of -4.00% in the past 3 days
APWR is trading in the range of $5.94 - $8.22 in the past 30 days.
Average True Range (Atr) is bullish for APWR.
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is bullish for APWR.
Money Flow Index (MFI) is bullish and moving up for APWR.
Money Flow Index (MFI) is bearish and moving down for APWR.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) is bullish and moving up for APWR.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) is bearish and moving down for APWR.
The 10-day simple moving average is bearish and moving down for APWR.
APWR formed a bearish Stochastic Crossdown signal.
Average volume decrease over 5% for APWR.
Stock performance base on day of week in the past 90 days.
Monday: 21.09%
Tuesday: -18.60%
Wednesday: 7.68%
Thursday: -5.62%
Friday: -3.21%
APWR Stock Analysis
APWR - A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd listed on NASDAQ.
APWR - Sector: Utilities, Industry: Electric Utilities.
APWR is in an downtrend.
APWR lost -0.50% on 11/26/10 and a toal percentage of -4.00% in the past 3 days
APWR is trading in the range of $5.94 - $8.22 in the past 30 days.
Average True Range (Atr) is bullish for APWR.
Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is bullish for APWR.
Money Flow Index (MFI) is bullish and moving up for APWR.
Money Flow Index (MFI) is bearish and moving down for APWR.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) is bullish and moving up for APWR.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) is bearish and moving down for APWR.
The 10-day simple moving average is bearish and moving down for APWR.
APWR formed a bearish Stochastic Crossdown signal.
Average volume decrease over 5% for APWR.
Stock performance base on day of week in the past 90 days.
Monday: 21.09%
Tuesday: -18.60%
Wednesday: 7.68%
Thursday: -5.62%
Friday: -3.21%