Anyway even blow his demo account?


Junior member
hello traders, I'm a newbie who has made many serious mistakes and I even blew my DEMO account.

I heard nearly noone has net loss in their demo acct, let alone blow it. So, have you heard of anyone (other than me) who suffered in their demo acct???

(if the question is no, maybe I suck too much and should stop trading, forever)

Many thanks for sharing. I really appreciate your reply. 🙂
hello traders, I'm a newbie who has made many serious mistakes and I even blew my DEMO account.

I heard nearly noone has net loss in their demo acct, let alone blow it. So, have you heard of anyone (other than me) who suffered in their demo acct???

(if the question is no, maybe I suck too much and should stop trading, forever)

Many thanks for sharing. I really appreciate your reply. 🙂

Looking back over your previous posts it is clear you have no idea what you are doing in relation to trading.
Most people blow a demo account or three; some even blow several live accounts.
It takes time and much practice to succeed in anything, yet many people still think that trading is a short route to wealth, with little study or effort required (another manifestation of stupidity and greed I suppose).
This is not what many want to hear but to succeed at anything the time comes when you have to stop pontificating and get down to studying your market and practice.
Methods will come and go along with a plethora of indicators and rune stones. But for those who stay the course success, sometimes,is the hard earned reward.
Take a look at the live post threads on T2W; those guys work hard and have a history of study and suffering losses before showing signs of profitability.
Good luck🙂
Looking back over your previous posts it is clear you have no idea what you are doing in relation to trading.
Most people blow a demo account or three; some even blow several live accounts.
It takes time and much practice to succeed in anything, yet many people still think that trading is a short route to wealth, with little study or effort required (another manifestation of stupidity and greed I suppose).
This is not what many want to hear but to succeed at anything the time comes when you have to stop pontificating and get down to studying your market and practice.
Methods will come and go along with a plethora of indicators and rune stones. But for those who stay the course success, sometimes,is the hard earned reward.
Take a look at the live post threads on T2W; those guys work hard and have a history of study and suffering losses before showing signs of profitability.
Good luck🙂

Thanks a lot for your advice. I'll continue working hard on trading. It's a shortcut for me to become poor, rather than rich🙂

Best of luck with your trading🙂
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the broker. Their service seems quite nice. I'll try working hard on this and try not to blow another demo🙂

Wish you a profitable year!
Actually I have heard such thing ... but it is quite rare... most of the traders do not suffer losses while trading in demo accounts... so ... you are quite a unique case.. anyway... do not feel disappointed... you may try once more.. and be attentive... do not trade only ... try following news... you might open positions just by chance.. and this is the reason you have losses in your demo .. so you need to be attentive... that's only.. trading in Forex is notonly opening and closing positions.. you need to follow the market movements.. you may try economic calendars and market pverviews.. provided by brokers... This is an example of market broker is SPAAAAM... and I'm very contecnt wirth their servidces.. in addition I use their analytics.. which is very useful for me .. while trading. SPAAAAAAAM Overview[/url]


Nic is also spam of BVI broker...and regd as vendor.
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I've blown a couple demo accounts. There are a few lessons to be learned in there:

- Too much size is the single biggest culprit in blowing it all. Trade small!
- You need to have a definable edge in the market.
- Psychology/discipline to stick with what works will be the element to bring in the profits, usually.

I would suggest working on #1 there. Trade smaller. I would recommend no leverage for a beginner at first until you know what you're doing. Then once you do, maybe no more than 5x leverage.
hello traders, I'm a newbie who has made many serious mistakes and I even blew my DEMO account.

I heard nearly noone has net loss in their demo acct, let alone blow it. So, have you heard of anyone (other than me) who suffered in their demo acct???

(if the question is no, maybe I suck too much and should stop trading, forever)

Many thanks for sharing. I really appreciate your reply. 🙂

You should practice trading using real money in a LIVE account until you are profitable before going Demo.
I don't get this thread. Do people actually cook spam until it sizzles. I thought you just eat it cold from the fridge (will have words with the missus about this)
I don't get this thread. Do people actually cook spam until it sizzles. I thought you just eat it cold from the fridge (will have words with the missus about this)

Apparently it is rather good with eggs.
Although once you realise the primary constituents are reconstituted
eyeballs and a$$holes it tends to curb your desire somewhat 😆
Ive blown one demo account and im working towards blowing a second. As long as you learn from your mistakes , plan, stick to an approach and be disciplined it may turn around. It may not.
No comment on the spam but fried corned beef is awesome and also ive heard really healthy 🙂
I don't get this thread. Do people actually cook spam until it sizzles. I thought you just eat it cold from the fridge (will have words with the missus about this)

Sliced and fried canned spam makes excellent sandwich fillers, a lot more tastey than sausages.
I would say the opposite - Lose some cash in a live account/Insert your desired amount here $...
Then go back to Demo and it will never be the same again.