Anyone using Plus500?



I have been using Plus500 several months.

Today I received a notice on my platform where they said that the contract agreement was changed, with 3 more clauses added.....the last 19.10 they say that in case of platform abuse (sic) they can cancel my profits, bla bla bla...

Ok I have been trading Allergan in the long side and Caterpillar in the short side...and making profits last months.

After receiving that agreement notice, I saw that Allergan is not available in my platform....and I had a pending orders with Caterpillar that dissapeared..

what I want to know is if they deleted Allergan from their system or if they just deleted it for my platform...or in other words...can still trade Allergan in their platform?

Thanks in advance
Good trading
Im using Plus500 but just trading aud/usd and commodities.

Could try contacting them or email.
Yes..I contacted them yesterday but have not replied back ...disappointing...

What I wanted to know is if they disabled Allergan (nasdaq stock) in everyone´s platform or just in mine..

A spanish friend confirmed me that Allergan was removed from his platform as

What I do not like is the new agreement they sent me:

"19.10. In situations where the company suspects platform abuse, we reserve the right to seek
reimbursement from you if transactions conducted on your account result in a recurring
need for Company to cover losses. We may obtain such reimbursement by charging your
Trading Account, deducting amounts from future payments owed to you or obtaining
reimbursement from you by any other lawful means."


Anyway, thanks