Anyone trading Bitcoin?


Junior member
Is anyone here making some big buck in trading Bitcoin through the exchanges on and/or ?

I tried trading a bit Bitcoin and purchased some to hold long, but I kinda miss Bitcoin being integrated in the systems that I am used to. And it seems quite hard to get money loaded to the exchanges.

While I love the idea of Bitcoin I must say we need some better tools to trade it. However, who is doing it here?
I trade bitcoins at mtgox, but i trade forex also with bitcoins thanks to a new broker that accept that cryptocurrency (first ever).
Is anyone here making some big buck in trading Bitcoin through the exchanges on and/or ?

I tried trading a bit Bitcoin and purchased some to hold long, but I kinda miss Bitcoin being integrated in the systems that I am used to. And it seems quite hard to get money loaded to the exchanges.

While I love the idea of Bitcoin I must say we need some better tools to trade it. However, who is doing it here?

Hey Are you promoting these 2 websites, if yes, then its against the forum rules
Is anyone here making some big buck in trading Bitcoin through the exchanges on and/or ?

I tried trading a bit Bitcoin and purchased some to hold long, but I kinda miss Bitcoin being integrated in the systems that I am used to. And it seems quite hard to get money loaded to the exchanges.

While I love the idea of Bitcoin I must say we need some better tools to trade it. However, who is doing it here?

I’m bitcoin trader too. Actually, it wasn’t a question for me to trade btc or not, because I believe that it remains a king of crypto. However, it was much harder make a decision about trading platform. I see that you asked about two exchanges, names of which I never heard before and it seems a little bit strange to me. Believe me or not, but I thought that I knew all info about each cryptocurrency exchange all over the internet. Heh, the more you know… Anyway, I decided to trade on cex because of high trading volume and comparably low trading fees. Making the choice I mostly rely on reviews like on bitority or other qualified blogs. In the former there is a piece about exchange that I’ve chosen in case if you got interested - Btw, you can find there info about many other platforms. Maybe, it’ll help you to make a final choice.
I have plan to invest some money in btc free money. I think it will be a bit risky for me. So I use small loan from because I spend on my money on bitcoins

I don't think that your idea is the greatest one cause that is very risky and unjustifiably. you will just fall into a debt hole and with such high interest rates - you won’t earn anything. that is why you should check the places in your homecity with the lowest interest rates of payday loans which will help you to invest into btc and earn some money then. good luck!