Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Poor entries gone against me this week.
If i waited for DAX 12400 and scalp shorts, would have worked a treat. Shorted 12270s
If i went long FTSE 6200s, would have been a treat _ instead longed 6270s

Had to scalp my way back in the FX markets instead.
Poor entries gone against me this week.
If i waited for DAX 12400 and scalp shorts, would have worked a treat. Shorted 12270s
If i went long FTSE 6200s, would have been a treat _ instead longed 6270s

Had to scalp my way back in the FX markets instead.
A win is a win. I got fed up with continually shorting the ftse to make money, so I watched the s&p for 18 months before I started to trade it. Stick with what works for you until the next thing starts working. (y)
The s&p is going to move 100 points in either direction in the next 4 days so buy an options strangle for max leverage with low risk.