Anyone here figure out a way to import intraday ASCII data into Global Server: 2000i?


Junior member
It is a fact that importing EOD ascii data into global server is a piece of cake. You structure the file according to the format specified in the help file and vola, done. However, when comes to intra data, it's not as easy, the help file say you can do it, but I could not get that data in. Anyone knows of a way, please share with us. Thanks
My understanding is that you cannot import intra-day Ascii data into GlobalServer. You would need to find a program that converts it into xpo format to be able to do this. I am not sure where you read that you could import intra-day data but I have discussed this with others at various times over several years and not yet found a way to do it. If you do find a way then please let the rest of us know.


Thanks for your reply, the following text is from TradeStation 2000i help file:

· For intraday data, the time must be stored in 24-hour format: HHMM (with no colon). For example, 1:15pm would be entered as 1305, and 10:00am as 1000.

· The data file cannot contain characters other than letters or numbers. For example, it cannot contain asterisks, dashes, slashes, and so on. Here is a sample line from an ASCII file: 880125,1405,200.375,201,198.375,200.125,15456

{** ©1987, 1999 Omega Research, Inc. **}

Clearly then, the 1405 flags this sample record to be an intraday record. However, as I said, so far I couldn't get it to work without restoring back to my HyperTool xpo.

Personally, I am very dislike using Hypertool xpo. I think their products are a ripoff. They say you have a life time license with them, well... it is only life time until they decide to go out of business and you need to change your computer hardwares, then, bye bye Hypertool, no one left to reset your Hypertool license file. The same can be said about Traderssoft. These people are unscrupoulous, what you get is renting their softwares for a fee, not own it.

This is why I really would like to know of a way to import intraday data into global server without using any other tools.
Hypertools is part of the Hypertrader group who are still doing business as I recently purchased a new version of Hyperserver. What I have seen is that the old website is not being maintained and to get support and buy the product I had to email them directly but they were pretty good. It may be worth trying an email to [email protected] as a last option.

As you say Omega state that intra-day data should be able to be imported but like you I was never able to do this. I even tried making my own Ascii file in the same format as they state but it just didn't work.

What instruments are you wanting to get intra-day data for ?

any good intraday sources would be fine

I am interested in getting a ton of intraday data into Global Server for analysis purpose without having to use a 3rd party tool if I can avoid it. I am from Canada, so ideally I prefer to download Canadian intraday securities, but for now any good sources of intraday download for any securities would help. So far, I know that eSignal have it (they charge too much), but I was wondering of any other good sources, free one would be the best. Thanks.
clipper, in the help file does nothing stand from global server.
you can only import an ascii file direct to an workspace or chart.
once this is done you can update the ascii file and the chart will be updatet.
but you cannot do it via global server.
if you have only ascii files you do not need the global server running.

for currency intraday data this is the way to import data into trade station directly:

1. Open Notepad in windows and paste the following lines:

First line:
Date Format,Session 1 Days,Session 1 End Time,Session 1 Start Time,Big Point Value,Symbol,Category,Exchange,Price Scale,Minimum Movement,Daily Limit

Second line:
yyyy/mm/dd,UMTWRF,1659,1700,50000,EURUSD,FOREX,FOR EX,1/10000,1,10000

Save the file as "attributes.ini" then put the ascii data in the same directory where the is located.

2. Go to Tradestation and select File.--> New-->Window--->Cahrt Analysis click Ok

3. If nothing is shown then right click on the screen and go to Format Symbol.

4. Click on "Lookup" and select the folder where is the 2 files (csv data and attributes.ini)

5. Select intraday (For the file that I attached) and "Bars Back" set to something like 5000

6. Click Ok again and have fun..!!!!!

I got this info from some other forum and imported currency data successfully but when I try to import ascii file of stock data I could not do it successfully. may be I was doing something silly. Please try this metthod and if you succeed in importing stock intraday data do post here



you are talking about tradestation 8.x, correct?

i just tested this and i can select the folder with the data but on my ADD/Edit Data Source screen tradestation wants to know a prefix...there is a blank field with +...what do type in there?

i have typed in ASC and when i select the symbol after that, i will get an error message:
is not a valid symbol. check spelling....

don't know what to do with the prefix.

any idea
Hi KarlaF,
I am attaching the screen shot and your settings should match.I use ts 8.2


  • eurusd.GIF
    52.4 KB · Views: 788
thanks newtrader. still have these problems with the prefix.
will try it again...if it works you must work me too *gg

thanks karla
Data into Globalserver

I'm battling to get EOD data into Globalserver- I'm just starting with Tradestation 2000i. I want to get the FTSE 350 data into it. It seems to me that I have to manually (and laboriously) enter each symbol into GlobalServer using Insert->Symbol->Add New etc. etc.
Then I can select each symbol and use File->Import Data->Metastock (say) and show it the right datafile.

Please tell me I'm a few sandwiches short of a lunch and have missed something obvious. Otherwise has anyone got a FTSE350 xpo file I could have. And what is the best way to keep the EOD data up to date - yahoo is fine?

Is there a real advantage to using Global Server or can the data be stored in another way without appreciable loss of facility?

I have tried to find the legendary Hyperserver lite but it has disappeared from the website and there is no real description of it.

Thanks for the help - once I've got the data sorted I can look at the rest of it!
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My roommate trades stocks and uses Quotelf Omega to get his data into 2000 i. He says the program isn't very expensive.

Thanks for the replies - what I have found after extensive research is a program called ms2om.exe from the website Forex :: Ôîðåêñ ñ 1995 ã. ÄÖ Àêìîñ Òðåéä - òðåéäèíã íà âàëþòíîì ðûíêå.. This appears to be extremely useful, it is free (for the moment) and is unemcumbered by licensing, registration etc. Have just had a brief look at it but it seems extremely capable and elegant.
I found it by accident and it works by converting the metastock files to omz files instead of the more usual exo. It loads them automatically and looks as though it can be easily automated so it just runs unatttended.
Is there a source of long, free historical data? Yahoo only goes back to about 2000 now.

Would be interested to know whether ms2om.exe solves any of the data loading problems people have been having and how it compares to the other programs around.


P.S. the URL above that has got mangled is www -dot- akmos -dot- ru
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Thanks for your reply, the following text is from TradeStation 2000i help file:

· For intraday data, the time must be stored in 24-hour format: HHMM (with no colon). For example, 1:15pm would be entered as 1305, and 10:00am as 1000.

· The data file cannot contain characters other than letters or numbers. For example, it cannot contain asterisks, dashes, slashes, and so on. Here is a sample line from an ASCII file: 880125,1405,200.375,201,198.375,200.125,15456

{** ©1987, 1999 Omega Research, Inc. **}

Clearly then, the 1405 flags this sample record to be an intraday record. However, as I said, so far I couldn't get it to work without restoring back to my HyperTool xpo.

Personally, I am very dislike using Hypertool xpo. I think their products are a ripoff. They say you have a life time license with them, well... it is only life time until they decide to go out of business and you need to change your computer hardwares, then, bye bye Hypertool, no one left to reset your Hypertool license file. The same can be said about Traderssoft. These people are unscrupoulous, what you get is renting their softwares for a fee, not own it.

This is why I really would like to know of a way to import intraday data into global server without using any other tools.

I tried this and It works but somehow TS is ignoring the O H L data when I plot a minute chert ,it only creates dots of closing prices
I tried to play with the header file but no mod will fix this

any idea how to fix this ?
I'm a new member...

to answer at KlaraF... I agree with your observation but it's strange that in the option of the tool of Globalserver for ASCII data happen the Time filed among various options...
I belive the method of importing intraday data have to exist, maybe there is an incompatibility with the international setting of our computer...
I Would like reach the solution of this problem... we should don't give it and try again...

A salutation at everyone.