Anyone heard of automated trading system ITS


Has anyone heard of this automated trading system called ITS. Its believed to have been developed by a singapore based company.
If anyone has, then i would like to know whether they know anything bout its ease of operation,efficiecy et.
Thank you.
Everyone I know who bought it lost all their money. Stay well away.

I reckon that everyone who bought any trading system probably lost money.

Better to find your own way through the tangled maze.

It begins to unravel after about 5 years of trying.
5 years !!!

Blimey ~ you were in a hurry.....

The 5 years refers to the time I have traded with my own money.

It does not include the several years I traded using other people's money and winning and losing vast sums.
There are a lot of softwares like these online. Some may help a bit but they will rip you off in the long run. Do softwares read the news? NO! They only have a slight "idea" of how the market will move based on the last movements the market has done. That is not the only thing you want to rely on to trade effectively and you will get to know that if you learn how to trade the forex market.
Has anyone heard of this automated trading system called ITS. Its believed to have been developed by a singapore based company.
If anyone has, then i would like to know whether they know anything bout its ease of operation,efficiecy et.
Thank you.

Fundamental rule in trading for a living - TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Giving away your money to others - whether it is an automated systems or a mutual fund or a bank financial advisor - are you taking responsibility?? Examine yourself before your money is taken. Good Luck
Is there such a thing as an automated trading system that is consistenly profitable in the long term?
At the risk of sounding cynical, I tried many and not one has shown any potential. But if anybody would like to correct me I love to hear from them.
Just to throw my 2% of 1$ here isn't just about all math based trading at its essence momentum investing, measuring its strength or lack thereof ?